Philip Goddard's Blog Pages (2)
At a glance…
This is a place for Philip Goddard to post periodic notes on recent interesting experiences, his current thinking, and breaking news.
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Yes, at last this blog has tipped over into Page 2, which no doubt will eventually become silly-long like Page 1!
As well as a pretty wide range of subjects covered here, I'm intending to include periodic updates regarding my Fix the 'Human Condition' project, which is described in Project Fix the Human Condition.
The Blog Posts…
(Most recent entries first)
Update to previous post — my eyesight's got better still! (another winner from my deepest aspects)
14 September 2024
(This refers to my post of 25 August.)
In fact my inner inquiry indications quickly changed, suggesting that it would be best not to use any physical block at all for my lazy-eye vision with my everyday (bifocal) glasses, and in the last few days the round black label stuck on the lazy-eye lens of my computer glasses was increasingly bugging me, and my indications were then that it had become more of a hindrance than help, so I've taken it off.
But that's small beer compared with the other development. The new lenses supplied for my glasses (both everyday bifocals and computer glasses) were both too strong, so I reported that and got an appointment for a retest a bit over a week later. What a nuisance in the meantime, having to put up with slightly blurred distant vision again till I got the glasses fixed!
— Except I didn't have to wait for that, because on 10 September — just last Tuesday — I was amazed that I was starting to see distant details out of my living room window as sharply as I'd ever seen them, albeit coming and going a bit. When I got to work on the computer I found that I was becoming able to be properly focused on my screen without having to seat myself right against the front of my desk and slightly leaning forwards.
My inner inquiry indications were that my deepest aspects had found a simple means to create a simple control module within my everyday brain functioning, which enabled me to spontaneously adjust the effective focal length of my eyes to compensate for the prescription errors in my glasses, and indeed to have much more precise and wide-range focusing of my distance vision, such as I haven't had for many years.
Allegedly, although that was initially just a little experiment, it's proved so successful that it's now been made a fixture. That will enable me to readjust again if I get any new spectacle lenses, or any other factors arise (including stress), which would affect my eyes' focal length. However, the available range of adjustment doesn't, and won't, enable me to see anything at all in focus without glasses.
Today I had a hike, and it was a wonder to behold, seeing my surroundings, both near and very distant, in good sharp detail once more. I still have glare and relatively low contrast because of my gradually progressing cataracts, but this improvement in my eyesight is still like nothing I've experienced before.
Eureka! — An interesting eyesight issue much belatedly self-diagnosed
25 August 2024
Over the last few years my vision has been increasingly impacted by glare and poor contrast caused by my slowly developing cataracts, but eye tests and my own careful observations showed my sight still to be excellent in terms of ability to see really fine details — for example, being able to read (albeit with much concentration) the bottom paragraph of a reading test chart (very tiny text!).
That is, except for the last couple of years, during which my vision was suffering increasingly from not only poor contrast but also a difficulty over focusing precisely on fine (and distant) details. Increasingly, when I walked about in town or on hikes, everything was slightly blurred most of the time, but I was still getting brief moments of correct focus. It was unlikely therefore to be that I needed a different prescription for my glasses. It wasn't that my focus was consistently 'off', but rather, that for some reason my focusing system was struggling with something, so producing erratic and ever-changing focus (unless I allowed my eye to be completely out of focus).
Last year I had a thorough sight test at my optician's, reporting this issue and warning that the sight test was likely to produce erratic and incorrect results because of it. Strangely, the tests with different lenses produced the normal rock-solid results, with little fluctuation of focus, and the prescription issued was a 'no change' one. Apparently, then, new lenses for my glasses wouldn't address the issue.
Over these last two years it's been an increasing struggle working at my computer because of this issue, and it's generally not been practical to work with larger text size. Also, the small text and indeed small everything on my mobile were becoming an increasing struggle to read. Over the last few months I was beginning to see myself very soon indeed not being able to work much more at the computer, so putting an end to at least the body of my work in this lifetime.
Then about two or three months ago I started noticing something else — surely unrelated. Immediately on going to bed, once in bed with the light out but just a little street light coming in round the thick curtains, I'd carry out my Feedback-Loop Zapper and then Perception Integrator procedure*, while lying on my back in the dark — a very helpful 'winding-down' routine that I've followed for many years now. What I was now starting to notice was that as soon as I'd got the palm of my right hand on top of my head for the latter procedure, I'd get a strange impression as though I had a black patch over my left eye. The latter is my 'good' one; the other is 'lazy' or 'amblyopic', its central vision blocked by the brain right from early babyhood in order to avoid conflict between the two eyes, whose images couldn't be matched up to produce a proper 3D image.
* Those procedures are described in Some potent self-actualization / healing practices.
In my infancy I was made to wear a patch over my left eye, supposedly to try to make the right eye work properly — actually a quite stupid and very stressful thing to do to a youngster like that.
Each time I got that impression I'd look carefully in that direction, and that eye was definitely seeing normally. Out of character for me nowadays, each time I just thought that's odd!, and didn't think to enquire within to see what that was about. But then on a night in mid-August, after I'd been invigorating myself mentally by clearing out some bits of clutter in my flat, I thought There it is again! How odd that I haven't queried that!, and so I did query it.
My clear indications were that indeed that impression of a patch over my 'good' eye was being given to me to indicate that my deepest aspects had twigged as to what my eyesight issue is, and that it was to do with my 'lazy' eye.
Allegedly, the blocking of that eye's central image by my brain had been very gradually weakening over the last few years, so my eyes were increasingly suffering conflict from my focusing system, which was getting increasingly confused by its trying to co-ordinate focus on the two eyes' images, which weren't matched up and so couldn't form a single 3D image in the 'mind'.
Result — stress, fatigue, and just the focusing issue I'd been experiencing.
Was that correct? — Yes, I can say so as categorically as I could say the sun shines every day (er, well, until it doesn't!). The morning after I got that little gem of info, it was simple to test. Put a hand over the 'lazy' eye, and at once contrast was increased by a subjective 50%, AND suddenly I was able to focus precisely once more on tiny or very distant details. Also, I found that I didn't have to cover that eye fully. It was enough just to block the central vision area.
Wow! — two (possibly three) winners:
- Now, at last I'd found a simple solution to what had seemed to be an intractable problem — I've now ordered some 30mm circular easy-removable waterproof self-adhesive labels, for one of those on my computer glasses and another for my everyday glasses should be all I need to fix that;
- This fully testable diagnosis that came to me from within tremendously validates my own communication channel between 'ordinary mind' and deepest aspects;
- Yet to become confirmed (it would need some time), is my inner intimations that I'd always had a bit of that conflict throughout my life, and the quiet stress from that had been a significant factor in my sleep difficulties all along (and more so nowadays), so the indications are that my sleep should be improving at least to a moderate extent once I've got that label put on the right-hand lens of each pair of glasses.
Why didn't the optician / optometrist recognise the issue or have any knowledge of it?
On the face of it, it looks surprising that the optician / optometrist couldn't recognise the issue, which never showed up in their tests. However, the answer is simple. All their tests isolate the tested eye's vision from that of the other eye, so during each test the conflict isn't occurring! Actually, the one test that does show the issue isn't used in the official testing at all: it's the chart of blocks of text from fairly large to tiny, which the dispensing optician shows one when one is checking out new glasses!
Right up to my visit to the optician last year, I was able (just) to read the bottom paragraph, but just eight days ago I had another optician visit, and found that to read reasonably fluently, that time I had to stop at bottom-minus-two paragraph. The trouble then was of course that the dispensing optician just assumed that that was the limit of what text size I could read, without any understanding that there was an issue causing that limit, which needed addressing.
— And of course my age (82 now) goes against me in such cases because it's wrongly assumed that I'm doing very well for somebody of my age, so we immediately get the false conclusion that therefore there is no issue to address!
See 14 September update to this post…
My own self-actualization progress — deeper consciousness dumbfounded
5 August 2024
Because at least some search engines down-rate pages presenting duplicate content, I've moved this post to the marginally more appropriate Blog of mine — that is, the Clarity of Being Blog, though it really belongs in both.
WOT — Web of Trust
— is disreputable, dishonest and signally untrustworthy. Please help my sites!
Just a Kafkaesque self-serving money-making enterprise posing as a public service
7 September 2023
Last week I was shocked, though not altogether surprised, to find that WOT, the long-standing website-rating 'service' that destroys some businesses through falsely rating their high-quality and perfectly safe sites as 'unsafe' and a security threat, has now rated my music compositions site as 'unsafe', with a red warning icon, and my Broad Horizon Nature site (my photos and natural soundscape recordings) as 'suspicious', with an orange warning icon.
My seeing that was a real heart-sink moment. With any other security-oriented site-rating service or app one could reasonably expect to report the 'false-positive' alerts and be promptly thanked for reporting them, with speedy correction of the error. — But not so with WOT.
What the WOT people do is keep themselves as inaccessible as possible, and when one does report a problem such as 'false positives' or simply the whole setup involving crowd-sourced ratings of website content (which is intrinsically unreliable and misleading), if they respond at all, it is with a 'carbon-copy' bland official statement, without any reference to actual points one has raised.
I'd given WOT a two-star review on the WOT Firefox add-on page, and eventually got a 'developer response' as follows:
Okay, I pretty-well knew what sort of response I'd get, if any, if I did attempt to tell them, but gave them the benefit of the doubt just so I'd got a concrete basis for my whistle-blowing about that corrupt, self-serving 'service'.
I wrote as follows:
This is in response to the Developer response to my 17 August review on the WOT Firefox add-on page.
I hope I'll get better response than I had when emailing a fair number of years ago about the incongruously low overall rating of one of my sites (more about that one further below). On that occasion I got a presumably automatic reply asking me to give the URL of the site I was referring to -- which was nonsense because I had already given that URL in my email. So I re-sent that URL. And of course, the reply to that asked me for the URL again... -- And after several infuriating iterations of that loop I had no choice to give up. I hope to goodness that that isn't going to happen this time!
I was recently shocked, though not altogether surprised (because of WOT's intrinsic unreliabilities), to find that the following two sites of mine had got poor safety ratings (a change from very long-standing 'unrated' status). They are completely false 'positives' and need correcting forthwith. (red, only 5% safety -- WTF?!!) (orange, described as 'suspicious', and also given only 5% safety rating)
The sites are 'static', with no server-side scripting (which of course could be a threat or vulnerability if it were present), and I monitor the sites' traffic statistics and site integrity daily, so that any problems would get spotted within a day and promptly addressed.
Those sites do have very little traffic, but that is emphatically NOT because of any lack of quality of the sites or indeed their content. That would presumably have more than a little to do with my work having a pioneering aspect that doesn't sit comfortably with most people's narrow horizons and 'quick sound-bite' mentality.
On none of my sites do I make false claims or try to 'sell a dream' as countless other sites do, or try to manipulate visitors in any way. I simply present my work in the respective fields covered -- albeit with a certain candour that some people misinterpret as some sort of weakness or 'flakiness' but is really one of my great strengths on my sites and elsewhere.
If you think there really is a problem with either of those above-listed sites, please be prompt and precise in letting me know what you think the problem is, so that, if said problem really does exist, I can address it. However, I can't address a problem that exists only in the imagination of an algorithm! :-)
Now, I also have three other sites, which have remained unrated for safety for many years now, and would ask that they be rated, and there's no valid excuse for any of those getting other than good safety ratings, for the aforementioned reasons. They are:
Also, all five of my sites need their WOT Scorecard homepage snapshots to be updated, for they are many years old and give a pretty poor impression of the respective sites compared with how they are nowadays. Clarity and objectivity are a key element.
The most important by far of all my sites is the Clarity of Being one. That site is in many, many people's bad books, not because of anything being wrong with it but because of what is more or less uniquely 'right' about it -- that I put my head above the parapets, and on the basis of rational appraisal of my mass of personal experience, directly warn about the harmfulness of ALL belief (without exception). Please follow that explanatory link.
Why? -- Because belief stands in the way of seeing what is really there and what is really going on, and thus is a complete block to ever properly identifying the fundamental issues of Humanity, both at an individual and universal level. Without accurate identification and a fully rationally based understanding, there can be no genuine resolution of said issues. Simple as that!
-- So, many people, full of beliefs which I'm uncharitably countering and indeed at times exposing, and a fair proportion of them having scam or semi-scam businesses based on selling products / services based on unverifiable 'story' and beliefs that I'm, shall we say, 'unfrocking', seek to dismiss and indeed discredit me and my work, describing me variously as 'disordered', 'schizophrenic', 'a deeply disturbed man', and so forth, all because their beliefs and indeed businesses have little or no genuine (i.e. objective / rational) basis and so can be defended only by dishonest and disreputable means.
I developed the whole Clarity of Being working model and methodology to get myself out of a hell of a (life-threatening) pickle that I myself had fallen into, thanks to the various 'spirituality' and 'healing' beliefs that I'd been taking on, and thus my working assumptions were immediately put to the test by using procedures based on those assumptions to stall and dissolve the attacks and interferences that I was getting. That worked brilliantly for me, and has taken me on a very powerful self-actualization trajectory, and, through that site of mine, has enabled a succession of people in desperate situations to save their own lives and replace suicide intent with positive, rationally based life upturn.
Despite a whole string of very positive reviews (after the initial attack with fully negative ratings and a couple of belief-based and frankly maliciously misrepresentational reviews from what I half-in-jest call the 'WOT Mafia', which dragged the site into 'clear red' rating), the site has crept up over the years from 2.8 to 3.0 rating. Not good at all for one of the most genuine and authentic and potentially life-saving sites in existence! That indeed is a great indicator of the UNreliability and UNtrustworthiness of WOT as it has existed so far!
That's the problem with crowd-sourced ratings. It's not good enough that such ratings are used as only part of the basis for an overall rating. If they're belief / opinion based, they are worse than useless, and can weigh quite heavily on the overall rating. That's completely wrong, because people's beliefs and opinions (just more belief) should be left out of it altogether. ALL reviews or ratings that are accepted at all need to be from people who are able to be objective and not belief-driven in their giving such assessments. Crowd sourcing simply cannot work in that way in this dysfunctional Earth civilization.
To earn respect from me and quite a lot of people out there, WOT needs to ditch this whole crowd-rating system and use a team of specially trained assessors who are fully capable of being objective and able to recognise a site's genuine authenticity / trustworthiness, without belief / personal opinion being involved at all. Of course there's a catch about that -- I know only too well!
Generally speaking, the only people who could achieve such a thing would be what I call no-soul people (please follow that explanatory link), because they are the ones who come into this life with the necessary mental flexibility, openness of mind and freedom from belief. They are thin on the ground, and for the most part can be recognised as such only by people who are no-soul themselves and have already read and understood the relevant material on my Clarity of Being site and have been using the appropriate methods there to clear at least the major part of their issues gained during this lifetime (as I myself have, as a result of which I can spot and interact with those lovely and empowering people).
If WOT is determined to continue using crowd-sourced ratings, then every Scorecard should prominently state that because of the nature of crowd-sourced ratings, they need to be understood to be ratings of POPULARITY and NOT necessarily quality, authenticity or trustworthiness of a site. It's not good enough to trust people to make that assumption spontaneously; it needs to be spelled-out prominently. Otherwise, as they are currently, WOT would be misrepresenting their service.
To get a fuller idea of the uniqueness of the Clarity of Being site and my work presented there, and my own integrity (or otherwise!), please carefully read the following:
I look forward to hearing from you in due course, and naturally will be happy to provide any necessary further info.
… And, so wearily predictably, out came the standard apparently bot-generated reply:
Of course, the opening 'Hey,' and that last bit there, about 'claiming' my site, is a real giveaway, showing that the generator of that bit of official bullshit wasn't human and had never looked to see if I had 'claimed' my sites there. In fact I 'claimed' all of them right back in 2014, so that I could reply to a malicious belief-based review and rating.
Actually, just think about the statement in that reply, about user trustworthiness. That straightaway informs anyone with 'eyes to see', that their user reviewing / rating system is intrinsically UNtrustworthy!
Why? — Because frequency of submitting comments is no indicator at all as to how accurately informative their comments / reviews would be. That's very much borne out by widely reported experiences of a figurative 'WOT Mafia' operating — a hard core of regular reviewers in the 'WOT community' who are opinionated and clearly enjoy wielding their perceived personal power there by slamming sites that they are asked to review and happen to dislike or disagree with for some purely subjective reason. Effectively a bunch of WOT-legitimized trolls! Also widely reported is the tendency for said individuals to slam sites of individuals who speak out publicly in criticism of the WOT system. — Indeed, hence my previous reluctance to 'blow the whistle' in that particular arena.
I don't mean to imply that all regular WOT community site reviewers are like that. Undoubtedly there would be some decent individuals in the mix, who do their very best to be objective in giving ratings and reviews.
I updated my WOT review on the respective Firefox add-on page accordingly, including lowering my WOT rating to one star.
You only have to search around online for the many reports from aggrieved website owners who've had their sites wrongly flagged as unsafe or suspicious, and have had just the same reply dished out to them — pretty-well word-for-word identical.
Clearly no human had read my or their detailed representations, and the onus is put on me and the other wronged site-owners in some manner to work around the evident serious faultiness of their algorithm and their policy of not improving it and correcting what errors it does make.
To top it all, WOT is nowadays on a money-grabbing trip — their 'free' browser extension nowadays nag, nag, nagging one in a most intrusive manner to 'upgrade' to their 'premium' service. And of course, in all the nags to buy the premium service, WOT goes on about how it provides essential 'protection' to its users from harmful sites.
What it doesn't tell you is that there are plenty of security programs and browser add-ons and indeed nowadays built-in browser functions that also protect one, and most of the add-ons don't require or try to push one into one's paying for them — and their developers are properly behaved, welcoming and acting upon any reports of false positives. They really do want to get things right. WOT instead regards itself as above any such considerations and haughtily shrugs its shoulders at all reports of the collateral damage caused by its dysfunctional rating system, and at all people who complain about that damage.
Actually I can see that WOT's whole syndrome is based on their having a rating system that is intrinsically unreliable, so really it simply needs wiping out altogether. Because their whole business model and ethos is profit-motivated, the only way they can keep it going is by all the appalling and disreputable means that I and others are complaining about, in lame attempts to divert attention from the fact that their business is based on somebody's attempt to make a silk purse out of a pig's ear. WOT intrinsically cannot get its house in order, because of the nonsensical algorithm-based rating system it's using and unwilling to change. All they can do is (expressed more simply) to say The algorithm says 'no'
My own web protection is multi-pronged, and includes Malwarebytes Premium (but not their Browser Guard because other add-ons I'm using render it redundant on my system), Cyber Lock (formerly VoodooShield), Bitdefender Traffic Light, uBlock Origin, NoScript, Privacy Badger, FlagFox, and some built-in browser detection of unsafe sites — and indeed my use of Norton ConnectSafe DNS server.
Who needs WOT? — Actually no-one if they're serious about web protection on their device. IF WOT were much more accurate and was properly responsive to rating error reports and recommendations for improvement of their system, and wasn't clearly motivated for profit rather than the good of the community, then it could be a useful adjunct for some people.
I would stress that paying for that 'service' does NOT result in one's getting more reliable site ratings. But for my not having time to campaign about such issues now, I'd take this up with Trading Standards (here in the UK) — though, sadly, I'm pretty sure they're already overburdened with still more serious cases and so wouldn't follow that one up. And I doubt whether the already heavily burdened Action Fraud would take action, because WOT is what I'd call 'semi-scam' rather than full scam, and again they're pretty snowed-under with reports of very serious scam cases.
Anyway, it looks as though all I could do, to slightly increase my sites' chances of losing or not getting a poor safety rating, is to deface each of those site's main landing pages with a notice explaining the situation and appealing for people who regard the respective site highly, to review it on the WOT site — making sure that their review is of good quality, giving reasons why they regard the site the way they do.
I have indeed done that, much to the detriment of the respective pages' initial visual impression upon loading in one's browser. I expect, sadly, to deface a few more pages with that notice.
21 September update — one tiny step forward…
Maybe my representations or at least my fairly withering one-star review on the Firefox Add-ons page for WOT did have one direct positive effect, because, about a week after this post, at last the safety rating for Clarity of Being had changed from the seemingly eternal grey 'unrated' safety rating to a green 'Trusted site' one (Yippee!). However, the overall rating remains unchanged, at 3 out of 5, so it's only one little bit of progress. At least, for anyone using the WOT add-on, the site now looks much more encouraging to click upon in search engine listings, as it puts a rating indication against each site in the list.
One additional point. The element of the overall rating based on visitor reviews is wrong, and an additional clear sign of serious dysfunction in the WOT rating system. To be specific, I've calculated from the 21 reviews of my Clarity of Being site there, that the correct overall rating (i.e., the average of all those ratings) would be 4.6 out of 5, whereas the overall rating claimed to be based on the 21 reviews is still given as a mere 3. — Well, at least they did get something right: the number of user reviews!
And of course nothing else has changed for the better. My music compositions site still has red safety warning status, while Broad Horizon Nature still has an orange 'suspicious' status. — Barmy!
More beautiful than any palace!
— finally recognising a powerful relatively new genre of musical creation that I've been producing
1 September 2023
I'm getting near the end of the long process of preparing and uploading the best of my natural soundscape recordings to Freesound. There's still a little bit to do (may take a couple of weeks), but I'm looking forward to moving forward from that. — Well, except that it looks as though I'm going to be uploading quite a few more recordings after all, but to YouTube rather than Freesound, because complete music compositions are expressly excluded from Freesound's remit.
The last items I uploaded were from my 18 February 2013 recording session for my Wind Chimes in the Wild project — the main item there being a long recording of Music of the Spheres Gypsy chimes (soprano and mezzo size), Woodstock Pluto chimes, and a large and a small set of cheap locally purchased bamboo chimes, recorded on the narrow Hunter's Tor ridge, Teign Gorge, Drewsteignton, Devon, UK. I'd made an excellent and compelling-sounding half-speed version of part of that recording, and noticed that background sound seemed hardly noticeable in that.
Then a funny thought came to me: Let's try putting that one in a cathedral, just for the hell of it! (Trust this monkey to do something stupid like that!)
So, I duly loaded it in WavePad and then experimented with the excellent Orilriver free VST plugin, using custom variants of its Cathedral 2 preset. I was able to adjust that to give various degrees of distance from the listener, and saved four versions, from 'close' (with relatively 'dry' foreground sounds and more subtle, 'nuanced' background reverb, just like being in or close to the performing area in Exeter Cathedral, with which I'm very familiar), through two intermediate stages, to 'other end of cathedral', where the reverb was quite overwhelming, and the metal chimes at times sounded like a spooky organ playing, and the bamboo chimes sometimes reminiscent of some of Harry Partch's home-made bamboo percussion instruments.
That proved to be a unique and powerful musical experience, which was clearly not just about me being 'odd', because that and the next-most distant version quickly got a couple of Freesound listeners to comment with superlative praise — one seriously using the 'genius' word for the work, and another saying it seemed to be the most deeply inspired music she'd ever heard, and it had affected her deeply. Make of that what you will!
You can hear these 'cathedralized' musical spectaculars at
It then occurred to me that it was high time that I recognised not just that piece, but ALL of my Wind Chimes in the Wild recordings, as being actual musical compositions, of a very distinct type, very close in concept to a fair element of many of the compositions of Iannis Xenakis. However, whereas he worked out all sorts of patterns and processes that were constructs of probabilities aimed to emulate what goes on in the natural environment, what I myself had been doing was setting things up so that those natural interactions of dynamic probabilistic processes and patterns (i.e., 'Mother Nature' itself) were directly generating the notes and their parameters that were playing on my chosen instruments for each session.
That may sound horribly academic and impossible for production of worthwhile music, but the reality isn't like that. True, the vast (seriously dysfunctional) majority of people wouldn't get their heads around it and would simply like or dislike the chimes sounds in a very superficial way. But anyone who has sufficient depth of awareness (particularly if they're no-soul) would in many cases get powerful and profound experiences. That's because the ultimate reality we can ever know (of) is consciousness itself (whatever that is), and when you genuinely understand that, you can also understand that the same sort of interactions of probabilistic patterns and matrices are intrinsic to 'mind' and to supposedly physical 'Nature'.
When a sufficiently 'open' and aware person listens to this sort of music, the latter is experienced as an extension of that person's own inner creativity, so that, rather than just passively 'consuming' music coming from an external source, the person is inwardly being their very own creator / composer, and can experience powerful and indeed empowering inner scenarios — even whole imaginary storylines that no other person has created.
It's therefore in many ways the most beneficial of all types of music to listen to, and always tends to improve brain function in a multitude of ways. I'm not actually discounting other types of music, however, apart from those that are so narrow in outlook, and repetitive, that they dull and narrow people's awareness. Most popular music comes into that category, no matter how many people 'like' it.
Yes, and if anyone doesn't like me saying the latter, they can just like it or lump it! — I came into this life to be of real benefit, not necessarily to immediately please!
As my wind chimes recordings really each count as an actual music composition, strictly speaking I ought to remove the whole lot from Freesound and place them on YouTube or elsewhere appropriate where entire music compositions are acceptable.
In practice that would be too much work, and I don't see anything I've put on Freesound so far being kicked out. On the other hand I do think it would be respectful to Freesound for me in future to put at least the 'cathedral' versions on YouTube rather than there, because they are so far-removed from being just 'field recordings', and it's clear that people are more inclined immediately to regard those as actual music compositions. However, I'll check that with Freesound Admin, because for all I know, they might actually want me to continue uploading my 'cathedral' versions there — I understand that their Admin have a very high view of my recordings generally, and the way I present them there.
So, there are going to be 'cathedral' versions of some of the other half-speed chimes recordings?
My original assumption was that any significant amount of background sound (primarily wind in the trees, and the River Teign way down below) would make too much of a confused mess of the sound in my virtual cathedral, so probably no further recordings would get that treatment. — But I did endeavour to make sure about that by doing some spot listening tests to a scattering of my half-speed versions, using OrilRiver in preview mode.
To my delight, they each in their different ways worked brilliantly — though the majority don't include bamboo chimes, so wouldn't have such a marvellous contrast of timbre that this first one benefits from. I do expect now to produce a 'cathedral' version of more or less every half-speed version — most likely the most 'distant' of the four settings that is fully effective from my own perspective.
I'm now having to acknowledge that my very long-standing inner feeling that the chimes recordings really belong in a special section on my Music Compositions site had really been the correct idea from the beginning — which means that, strictly speaking, all of those recordings, both 'straight' and materially altered in some way (apart from ordinary editing), need to be 'shop-windowed' on that site. Whether or not to retain them on the Broad Horizon Natural Soundscapes site as well, will take time to decide, because there are arguments for both approaches. However, having them presented on two sites means still more website work for me, and that may be the deciding factor.
I might well do a compromise, by transferring to the Music site just the half-speed and other creatively processed versions, or indeed just those versions that are processed beyond being just half-speed versions. There, the explanatory 'programme notes' would put emphasis on the musical aspect of each piece, with minimum on the location or recording session details.
Update, 4 September 2023
In order not to overburden myself with work, I've decided to include in my formal compositions list (and therefore to transfer to my Music site and YouTube) only those versions that are half-speed and have additional significant processing. These would truly be la crème de la crème in musical / artistic terms. I've provisionally called this type of composition a 'nature-symphony' — always hyphenated to indicate that it's not a nature-connected 'ordinary' symphony, but is a very specific type of symphony, the basic material of which is generated and 'played' by 'Mother Nature' itself.
I've provisionally entitled the extant first one of these (the most strongly cathedralized out of the four candidate versions currently on Freesound) Nature-Symphony 1 — The Inner Fire wistfully seeking to define itself. Probably some later ones won't get a descriptive subtitle; it'll depend on whether anything really apt comes to me.
A really lovely 'Wow!' lightbulb moment on my last (short) hike
26 June 2023
On Saturday 24 June, my next planned hiking day, as it was to be another very warm and humid one, I regretfully turned my nose up at a long hitch-hike to and from Cornwall, wilting in the strong sunshine, and took my wimps' option of yet again falling back on the Teign Gorge, no more than about 14 miles away from my Exeter abode. And I'd walk just what I regard as my general minimum route there, only 6.87 miles and some 448 metres of ascent — at least a good proportion of it pretty strenuous, although none of it quite of 'steep mountain' calibre. That meant just one ascent from Fingle Bridge to Cranbrook Castle (ancient earthworks), not my preferred two or even three (very challenging for my weak ankles, too)!
It was in the upper reaches of my ascent onto Cranbrook Down that I was having a lazy little think-through the odd matters, in communication with my deeper aspects, and was thinking about our incarnational threads. It occurred to me that there was one thing about our incarnational threads that had always slightly bugged and bemused me — apparently none of them had a name, even though deeper consciousness was still able to recognise each one.
So, naturally, I thought direct into deeper consciousness, "Hey, surely it would be better if each incarnational thread had a name, so that each person has that name in addition to their within-incarnation name!" — to which I got an instant 'strengthening' response, the like of which I don't remember having before. There was a burst of energy in it, like a sudden amazed surprise.
It turns out that, apparently deeper consciousness had never previously been prompted to consider such an arrangement, and it was immediately recognised as a Bloody Good Idea. Actually the notion of an incarnational thread itself having a name is incorrect, because what I was meaning, and what deeper consciousness was understanding, was that the 'thing' that would be named would be the micro-aspect of fundamental consciousness that is the basis of a particular incarnational thread. In other words, that thread is just a concept, whereas what we really want to name is the spark of deep consciousness that is the basis of the respective thread and indeed reincarnational series of human beings.
So — this of course is funny! — this deluded bogeyman here will inevitably be the first to get one of the new names, once the system of naming has been finalized. What a 'wow' status symbol! — Er, except that the fundamental name would simply not be used in such a way, of course…
For most purposes in everyday life one would have no cause to use it, but there would be a variety of situations where it would not only be very useful in our functioning in new, dysfunction-free civilizations, but would greatly strengthen and augment our perception of ourselves as manifestations of fundamental consciousness, with a whole range of very positive potentialities there.
— Actually I rather think I probably wouldn't be quite the first, simply because several of us would be first together. That is, me and the handful of already deeply connected individuals who would be working with me in their next incarnations as 'guardians / overseers of Humanity' — effectively as global / universal service technicians for consciousness itself.
In current dysfunctional human civilizations, such as here on Earth, only those individuals with a very strong and clear communication pathway between 'ordinary mind' and deepest aspects would get a 'fundamental name' (i.e., very few indeed would get one), but in future civilizations of fully functional humans, everyone would be in that state, so in time they would all have one.
I'll write up more about that on the Clarity of Being site when I have more details — provided I don't terminate in the meantime, of course! In the meantime I've added 'fundamental name' to that site's Glossary,
Update 2 on my original post about my 'lights-out' time
10 June 2023
I've now transferred the contents of the original post and its updates to a new page on my Personal site: My 'lights-out' time approaches…. That makes for much easier and less confusing reading, and then I can have brief announcements here to new content added there, without getting in the way of other things I want to share here.
Update on my original post about my 'lights-out' time
20 May 2023
I've now transferred the contents of the original post and its updates to a new page on my Personal site: My 'lights-out' time approaches…. That makes for much easier and less confusing reading, and then I can have brief announcements here to new content added there, without getting in the way of other things I want to share here.
My 'lights-out' time coming very close, apparently…
17 May 2023
I've now transferred the contents of this post and its updates to a new page on my Personal site: My 'lights-out' time approaches…. That makes for much easier and less confusing reading, and then I can have brief announcements here to new content added there, without getting in the way of other things I want to share here.Workable solution for sending out my quarterly Newsletter
10 March 2023
Following on from my 30 December post (My quarterly Website Visitors Newsletter put on hold — a distribution problem), with the next Newsletter due later this month I revisited the issue of working around my email service provider (Kualo, my site hosting company) allowing no more than 50 emails sent at one time, and 200 per day, unless an additional monthly subscription is paid.
After last December's trouble I had with the Mail Merge add-on in Thunderbird, clearly it wasn't safe to use that add-on to send out the messages directly, but actually I'd rather got my knickers in the twist then and failed to recognise a particular workaround that, although a bit of a nuisance, is really not that much of a hassle.
What I've settled upon, at least for the time being, is to send out each further Newsletter in batches of 50. As already noted, that number is the maximum that Kualo allows to be sent at one time (and can be sent without a pause between each message and the next). I could revert to sending the messages out 50 at a time by using the bcc facility in Thunderbird, but that itself is a rather accident-prone method, not least because Thunderbird's address book listing doesn't indicate the number of recipients selected.
So, to make the process as bomb-proof as possible and ensure that there are no 'misses' or duplicate sends, I shall use Mail Merge, but differently this time. For each batch of recipients I'll run Mail Merge with start and finish numbers entered (from the relevant address book list), with no pause between each message sent, and the output set to 'Send later', which means the Outbox. Then, when I've checked that the correct number of emails is there in the Outbox, I'd use Thunderbird's 'Send unsent messages' function, which would send the whole batch immediately.
To minimize disturbance to me and the possibility of my forgetting to send a batch, I'd send each batch immediately at start of each computer session (I switch it off between sessions). That would then extend over two-and-a-bit days, but at least would be the most secure and fail-safe way to go about it, and basically very simple and easy to do (i.e., for each batch).
Further, those people who missed out on the December Newsletter will be able to access a web-page version of it via a link in the new Newsletter.
A nice feeling of relief for me, now I've got that worked out and indeed tested using a dummy recipients list!
Something's gone missing! — One nice little turnaround for me…
Allegedly many other people likely to benefit from this one…
3 February 2023
An apparent virus infection last mid-August left me with a second, 'enhanced' level of post-viral syndrome, which, roughly speaking, somewhat augmented the post-viral syndrome symptoms I already had (since January 2018), and as a bonus extra, gave me a weird sort of 'depression'. The latter felt and behaved differently from 'ordinary' depression, and involved arisings of not only overt depressive feelings but also arisings of fear, anxiety or, more generally, a tendency for any problematical thought or scenario to grab my attention and try to submerge me in it.
I reckon that, considering what I was having to deal with then and onwards, I was doing a sterling job of still zapping the noticeable arisings and putting a brave face on life despite there being a constant nasty little cloud hanging over all my life experience.
However, 'brave face' or not, I was aware that the effects of that cloud, which I couldn't dislodge because it was presumably caused by a malfunction in my brain physiology caused by the original virus infection, were eroding my morale and gradually weakening me physically.
Once in a while I used inner inquiry to see if I could pick up any ideas of additional methods I could use to mitigate if not actually resolve the issue, but my indications were consistently that, at a conscious level, I was already using all the currently available methods. Each time I also checked as to whether my deepest aspects had got any further in finding means to resolve the issue at a deep level. Allegedly this was under active scrutiny, but no solutions had yet shown up for the reasonably short term, though there was a fair possibility of longer-term improvement or resolution, which would likely mostly be only notional because it would be beyond the end of this lifetime of mine.
But then about a month ago I started getting teasing intimations that it was looking as though the 'depression' aspect of the post-viral syndrome could well dissipate really soon, because the actual brain function anomaly had been provisionally identified.
Because of my track record of getting 'false dawn' pie-in-the-sky indications from my inner inquiry, I just kept a mental note of there being an apparent faint glimmer of hope, and got on with life and its rather grim prospect of the 'depression' thing progressively eroding my mental and physical functioning and so shortening my life.
But then last Friday, when I went to bed I was surprised at an almost overpowering feeling of comfort and contentment, which stayed with me all night. This wasn't at all like the usual 'joy' or 'high' that one might get when there's been some important positive inner change. It was just that suddenly I was finding that even if I tried focusing on troublesome things they simply couldn't stick, and just fell away again, leaving my comfort / contentment unsullied.
Being so suspicious of another false dawn, I just noted that as being a rather odd night, without ascribing much significance to it. — But the following night, the same! — And then I was starting to notice that during the day too there was an amazing absence, of that confounded cloud over my life experience. This was underlined by a server at the restaurant I went to on Saturday, who spontaneously remarked that I seemed much more buoyant and positive than recently.
Since then I've been progressively getting used to living without that cloud over me. On Wednesday I had another hike, and it felt more like starting to push my limits outward once more, rather than discovering what is my latest reduced level of hiking endurance — and I upped the length / strenuousness of the walk by a reasonably substantial step, to what I was managing before that horrible depressive thing came in on the act.
Further, my inner inquiry indicates, as I'd rather expect, that from now on at least some of my other post-viral syndrome symptoms should be starting to decline, even without specific measures taken against them, because it looks as though the cause of that 'depression' was probably the kingpin of the whole syndrome. Apparently the malfunction was in part of the endocrine function of the brain.
Potential great news for other people?
My further inner inquiry indicates that now that this fix has been arrived at and shown to work fully as expected, deeper consciousness is sending out a sort of 'enabling message' to the deeper aspects of each individual person in the whole of 'Existence', for monitoring that particular endocrine brain function and applying the new-found fix as and when seen to be necessary. It would work best of course with those people who are most 'open' and aware, but would simply be much slower for people still with a lot of soul programming.
… Oh, that's interesting! My further inner inquiry just now points to my having had a little bit of that 'depression cloud' over me — i.e., a slight case of the aforementioned brain endocrine malfunction — through most if not all my life. That would explain why I feel so dramatically different now that the cloud's apparently fully gone.
If that is correct, that considerably increases the number of people who are likely to experience at least some degree of improvement in their life experience as a result of this new finding and resultant clearly effective measure. Maybe from now on a considerable number of other people will be experiencing a healthy change in mood and outlook on life…
My usual cautious disclaimer…
As always, I take all inner inquiry results as interesting pointers that require validation through direct observations — not as 'facts' for any of us to believe.
Next-day addendum
One great thing about my having had all that post-viral 'depression' nastiness was that that whole affair showed pretty clear signs of absence of the garbage, at least as any still-active influence or process.
Why do I conclude that? — Because every bit of the issue I'd been experiencing this time behaved as I'd expect of some sort of physically-sourced ailment. Unpleasant, certainly, but without signs of any sort of intent or strategy to intimidate.
If the garbage had still been a functional 'presence', surely the nasty feelings would have come and gone in a volatile manner as in all my previous garbage attack scenarios, setting out to seem intimidating, and feeding-in all sorts of 'story' to increase the intimidation. Also, this time there were no signs of any attempt to make any forthcoming night seem intimidating through intimations that it would be a dreadful night that I couldn't survive, with strong attacks, generally unbearable ordeals, and no sleep.
My understanding is clear, that if the garbage had still been active, the weakening and depressive tendency caused by the post-viral damage would have given it the ability to attack me again for the time being, even though I'd have been more effective than in previous garbage attack situations in dissolving individual attacks when they did arise.
How do you know that the garbage isn't still functioning, and hasn't simply changed its mode of behaviour to make you believe that it's not here anymore?
People lacking in proper awareness have periodically asked me that rhetorical question, as a little pile of weasel words to try to put me on the defensive and demonstrate their supposed superiority through remaining in ignorance. They are always people who have not read about the garbage on my Clarity of Being site, at least with any proper understanding, and so have no business to be making out even potentially to understand more about the garbage than I do!
The garbage, being just programming, had only very limited ability to disguise its presence and activities. Sure, it could manifest as all sorts of illusory non-physical beings, and could attack one with pleasurable emotional feelings to give the impression that positive, beneficial beings were communicating with one. But once I'd recognised those various deceptive tactics and strategies, it was left quite exposed the whole time.
If the garbage had truly had sufficient flexibility to change its behaviour with regard to attack strategy to mimic straightforward physical illness, then why didn't it do so while I was progressively clearing myself of its interferences / attacks? It could have made it more or less impossible for me to get out of its grip if it really had the flexibility to change the fundamental characteristics of its attacks and interferences. It turned out to be quite moronic in that regard.
No, what those stupid people, full of their nay-saying rhetoric — 'sheep', the lot of them! — need to do is to start using their own common sense instead of hiding behind ignorance-based rhetoric.
In any case, as I emphasize over and over on my Clarity of Being site, no-one at all can ever absolutely know anything, and I certainly make no claim to know that the garbage really is no more; I'm simply progressively gathering data that is pretty consistently pointing in that direction. In general terms, what we're left to do is to use our common sense in making practical, useful, working assumptions based on our actual observations. That way, issues can actually be understood and then resolved.
Another pointer to 'the astral' having possibly been closed off from our ordinary minds — Update
13 January 2023
This refers to my 7 December post here.
Since that climactic night in late November I've had no further such visuals, which at least supports my speculative explanation about it being a side-effect of an initialization process that completed so that there was no further cause for such visuals.
Since that previous post of mine here I've accumulated several further reports of a virtually identical event, reasonably close to when I had mine, all from particularly open and aware people, I think all no-soul. In each case it was strikingly vivid, and was a one-off night experience, with no repeat performance.Although far from enough to be taken as proof* of anything, and assuming that none of those individuals were inventing reports just to impress or please me, I consider that I now have the strongest evidence yet — albeit indirect evidence — of the alleged astral closure and the beginning of a purposeful repurposing of that aspect of consciousness for those who are sufficiently 'open' and connected between 'mind' and deepest aspects for that to happen.
* In fact, let's keep clear of that weasel word 'proof' at all times, because that implies certainty, and 'What Is' deals only in probabilities, not 'certainty'.
'Proof' is thus a nonsensical concept in the real world!
Personally I'm relatively convinced now that it was and is for real, even though more direct evidence, from a lot more people, would be needed before I could declare publicly that the astral closure and repurposing had been confirmed beyond all reasonable doubt.
…And of course, the stronger the confirmation of that one hypothesis, the stronger also would be the implication that the garbage really is gone, and, more indirectly, that the faulty 'intents cache' really has also been fixed.
These pointers also emphasize the need for people who are sure they're still having problems from the garbage or 'entities' of any kind, or indeed 'elementals', to get a grip on their own intrinsic good sense and really get focused on regarding those manifestations now as NOT being what they're perceived as being, but being illusory manifestations generated from left-over patterns in their brain function and structure that had been caused by garbage interferences while the garbage was still operative.
Those phenomena need to be recognised for the inconsequential illusory manifestations (just froth-by-the-wayside) that they are, and the appropriate methods from this site need to be used to clear the relevant illusory realities / beliefs and patterns that they are carrying. Focused work using at least The Work, Grounding Point, and Feedback-loop Zapper is indicated.
My quarterly Website Visitors Newsletter put on hold — a distribution problem
30 December 2022
Over the last few days I've had a miserable and stress-making time trying to get my latest Newsletter sent out.
I'd just completed the new Newsletter, but ran into a problem with using the Mail Merge add-on (MM) in the Thunderbird email program. I'd used that add-on effectively and with no issues for the previous two issues of the Newsletter, but this time it did only a partial send, skipping scattered addresses in my mailing list, which meant I couldn't just restart the sending at the next recipient on the mailing list. It would output the full number if I set the output mode as send to outbox or drafts folder, yet, as I confirmed with a second attempt at 'send now', which was what I had to use, that mode of output misbehaved the same way again.
I originally had to start using MM instead of using the bcc function within the source message because my email service provider (Kualo, my site hosting company) had put a ban on sending more than a small number of messages at one time, as an anti-spam measure, as most or all other reputable email providers have done. I established that in order to keep the sending time for the whole lot (currently 327 on the list) to a sort-of reasonable level while keeping sending frequency within the limit imposed by Kualo, the messages had to be sent out with a 20-second pause between each.
MM has a choice of three options for where to output the generated emails, and for any of them you can specify a pause between output messages, and its length. However, that pause is irrelevant for outputting to the outbox or drafts folder, because then they'd be sent out together (you'd have to do that manually, for MM has finished with them once they're in either of those folders). That leaves 'send now' as the only valid option if one needs to space out the sent messages — but that option gives a prominent warning that it's unsafe to use (WTF??!).
Yes, I did understand that it was a bit dicey sending straight out from any mail-merge software, because you then have no means to check the output before sending out, and ensure that it's all okay, and that the number of generated messages equals the number of addresses in the list. I do have Thunderbird configured to save a copy of each sent message in the Sent folder, and it was that which enabled me to see in retrospect just how many messages had been generated and sent.
I couldn't see why MM wasn't designed to direct the emails to the outbox or drafts folder and then, when one has checked that that whole batch of emails is okay, with a click on a button in MM, to send those messages out from the particular folder with the specified interval between each. Frustratingly, just clicking Thunderbird's 'Send unsent mail' function sends them all out in a rapid stream that would get one blacklisted for sending out spam — at least with the sort of number that I'm dealing with.
Unfortunately the Send Later (SL) Thunderbird add-on doesn't have such a function, even though the latter is really part of what one might reasonably expect of a highly regarded send-later add-on. I emailed the developer, and he told me there was already a means to integrate MM and SL functions for my purpose — but that turned out to be a hideously involved process.
It involved exporting the address list as a CSV file, opening it in Excel or equivalent, adding a column called 'Schedule' or equivalent, entering staggered date / time in that column for every item, then saving that, and then running MM using that CSV file as address list source, specifying the column names that are to be read per recipient, including 'schedule'. Then, allegedly, MM would schedule the messages to be then taken up by SL, which latter would then send them according to their scheduled times.
When I replied that that was far too long-winded and cumbersome, and what I wanted was to be able to send a batch of emails in the outbox or drafts folder sent out with a pause between each (i.e., once I was ready for them to be sent out), the most I could get out of him was that what I was seeking looked to be an interesting idea but was really the province of the MM developer, and I'd need to contact him about that.
In fact I'd already emailed the MM developer, and I'm still awaiting a response.
In the meantime I'd also explored a whole lot of other options for sending my Newsletter, and ran into a whole trail of dysfunctions and poor design, including Microsoft Outlook, which I'd never used but is on my PC as part of the Office suite, and is now in disgrace as far as I'm concerned. At every turn there were obstructions.
Eventually I decided to cut my losses and for the time being to put the Newsletter on hold. I'm not prepared to have to jump through such a whole mass of hoops to send it out.
So, probably about a third of those on my mailing list, who haven't yet received this December's Newsletter, probably won't receive it. I'm really, deeply sorry about that.
Then, as for any future Newsletters, that will depend on whether I eventually come across a Thunderbird-compatible mail merge system that works properly (i.e., from my perspective), with minimum effort, and little or no financial cost to me.
However, I still do very much want the Newsletters to continue, so please don't let this put anyone off from signing up to my Newsletter mailing list, for once in a while I'll re-check to see if there's anything on the horizon that looks as though I could use it, and explore any sensible-looking possibilities.
It might still be that the MM developer does eventually get back to me and even agree to add the crucial currently missing bit of functionality that would make MM a really useful, user-friendly and safe mail-merge system, which it isn't really at the moment. Generating the messages seems okay, but the developer needs to do a bit more work on the sending aspect.
Another pointer to 'the astral' having possibly been closed off from our ordinary minds
— And the 'ex-astral' creativity scratchpad at last beginning to function…
7 December 2022
This is belated, referring to something I was noticing in late November.
Increasingly over about a week, when I was having wakeful periods overnight, and especially initially after going to bed, I seemed to be getting a return of astral -sourced visuals, which was causing me an increasing nagging concern, that perhaps the astral hadn't really been closed off from all human 'minds' after all* (in which case the garbage might still exist and be functioning).
However, there was something different about these visuals, which became increasingly evident as they became more prominent night by night. Finally there was a climactic night (27–28 November), much disturbed by 'overactive mind', triggered by something that particular day. That time the visuals were crazy-strong, and I couldn't sideline them in the way I'd been able to before, so I just had to do some inner inquiry to work out what the eff was going on.
The visuals undoubtedly had some degree of 'astral' quality at times, but quite often were just rather peculiar 'vignettes' of more or less close-up nature scenes, such as a small section of a vegetated old drystone wall (a theme that popped up several times). Other visuals were more like the familiar astral imagery, in that they were a bit weird and having no clear meaning, but they were really colourful in a rather brash way, in colours that seemed midway between poster colour and watercolour, and although they moved and metamorphosed somewhat, they seemed solid and 'physical', lacking the troublesome / disturbing and often menacing quality of what I'd recognised as astral-sourced visuals in the past.
So, where they weren't some sort of nature scene fragment, they at least gave a sunlit, airy impression, as though they were replacements for the previous troublesome stuff.
My inner inquiry indications were clear, that this was just a brief side-effect of that aspect of consciousness that had been manifesting as 'the astral' while people's ordinary 'minds' had been open to it, having at last been opened up and properly connected-up in my deeper aspects, now to start performing its originally intended function. That is, this was my 'creativity scratchpad' at last getting initialized so I could start benefiting from its creativity-enhancing functionality. Wow! — At least, if that's true!
As my inner inquiry had intimated would be the case, since that night I've had virtually no more of those visuals. Since then one new thing I've noticed is that I've often had various detail memories from my far past come up with surprising clarity, giving me the opportunity to look at them and see them from different perspectives. Allegedly this is an early part of my own spontaneous individual initialization of that scratchpad, in a process of building a far more creative view of all my life experiences, both past and present.
Presumably this development should be beginning to happen for some other people too, but, my inner inquiry indicates, this would be able to happen only for no-soul people who have particularly open communication pathways between ordinary 'mind' and deeper aspects.
I'd like to hear from anyone else who's had the same type of development — thank you.
An absolutely jaw-dropping recording — from the crater edge of an erupting volcano…
6 December 2022
No, not one of mine, but made by an intrepid Facebook friend of mine, Felix Blume. I should imagine that he was in quite significant physical danger there, also with strong potential for long-term hearing loss as the result of proximity to such powerful blasts.
The 30-minute recording is on Soundcloud, and is so full of details and nuances that even high-grade speakers are not a worthwhile way of listening to it — high-grade headphones being the real solution. It's nothing like as punishing on the ears as the actual sound in loco would have been, for it appears that all the loudest peaks have been allowed to get clipped, and it works well at a sensible normal playing volume setting.
Just a series of loud bangs? — Most certainly not. An amazing succession of interplay between deep intestinal rumblings, booms, bangs and eructations, massive reverberations in various directions, and sometimes paroxysmal roars. You can hear the showers of ejecta hitting ground following each violent ejaculation.
For me (using Audio-Technica ATH-M50x headphones) this was a mind-boggling and joyfully thrilling experience from beginning to end, with an immense variety and a sort of quiveringly nervous bustling activity underpinning the whole show.
Curiously, that mega-performance reminded me considerably of one particular music work — Nomos Gamma, by Iannis Xenakis, but naturally on hypersteroids as compared with that work!Strongly recommended — be not just thrilled, but also energized and inspired!
The inspiring frisson of an all-night recording session alone in the wilds…
3 December 2022
This is effectively a duplication of the current announcement on this site's What's New page.
I've now completed a new page on my Broad Horizon Nature site, The inspiring frisson of an all-night recording session alone in the wilds.
In that, I've featured two particular all-night natural soundscape recording projects that each are part of a respective educational and, hopefully, inspiring personal narrative. Those happen to be (a) my first-ever all-night session, and (b) my last so far — though in the latter case the narrative covers a series of sessions that led up to the culminating mega-session. The page includes links to the relevant recordings, primarily of birds' evening and dawn choruses, now on Freesound.
Two thunderstorm nights in October here? — Pull the other one, Celia!
25 October 2022
Although we can get a thunderstorm, or at least a thundery shower, at any time of year here in South-West England, basically the summer half-year (late April to early September) is the main time for them, and especially for any significant storms. — And Exeter misses almost all that do come to this region.
Yet this year's continued to be 'odd', with an ongoing long spell of low pressure to the west and often south-west during this month, feeding-in warm humid air from south or south-east, with a succession of north-moving fronts and instability lines.
Last week saw two night thunderstorm events catch Exeter — the first being a quite brief one in the small hours of 19 October. I had a recorder running all night, and captured a nice sequence of heavy to torrential showers, with the storm being the third of the night's rainfall events (all compiled into one 1¼ hour final edited version).
However, although the storm was nicely captured, I felt a bit lukewarm about it because of the 'pedestrian' nature of all the peals of thunder. The lightning had all been a bit over on the west side, and it could be that some of those lightnings had been producing ground-strike dramatics on the other side of the south–north-aligned band of cloud, but all I was hearing was genteel in-cloud lightning sound. Really nice, and good for going to sleep by, but but all with a rather frustrating sameness about them.
But then I couldn't believe my luck when in the small hours of 23 October I heard a very different distant thunder sound — greatly thankful that again I'd set a recording running at bedtime just in case.
This time, instead of anything genteel or spreading about poetically over the sky, these distant lightnings had a compelling malevolence about them — the sound of each being quite precisely located, with very little sense of spreading around in the sky. These had to be all ground strikes (dangerous!). Hadn't heard ones like that since I started recording in 2012. Curiously they had a timbre / resonance that reminded me a little of one of our old-style metal dustbins being heavily banged, but more muffled.
This came right over, with two particularly potent close strikes, though at the time of those I was in my living room, where all windows were closed, hurriedly unplugging all appliances from the wall sockets. Because of the effectiveness of the double glazing I didn't realize the enormity of those sounds until I auditioned the recording afterwards at the necessary very high level. The storm was fairly rapidly moving, so it didn't last all that long, but the rain was truly torrential, and it was a treat to get such a different and more intimidating lightning sound compared with what I'm so used to here.
I'd learnt to set the recorder (Sony PCM-D100) to a very low level for thunderstorms — between 3 and 4 on the level setting dial, in high sensitivity mode. To my delight the close strikes had been accommodated without clipping, but that meant a massive overall dynamic range. After editing and 'normalizing' (adjusting the level so that the biggest peak just touches maximum, beyond which clipping would occur), I found that in order to play the recording at the correct level, at which all the quiet background and most distant lightnings could be heard as I heard them, it was necessary to set the playing volume to 24 (yes, twenty-four) decibels — a quadrupling of the level — above an optimal volume for a realistic rendition of classical symphonic music for full orchestra.
That in turn means that when those two close strikes come, they are absolutely apocalyptic — the first especially. Unfortunately, that would distort or/and cause transient volume dips on many people's playback systems, with the potential indeed to cause actual damage.
Anyway, I've posted that recording on Freesound, with prominent due warnings. Please read the notes there before playing (or else!)…
New photos, from early 2021 to present, now on Flickr
28 June 2022
For a little while I've been beavering my way through coarse-screening, processing, adding metadata, and final-selecting, ending up with 372 photos to upload to Flickr. I did that upload yesterday, then spending the rest of the day putting those photos into the relevant albums (subject- or time-related albums). There's a distinct overall improvement in photo clarity from where I switched from my old Fuji S9600 to my current little Panasonic DMC-TZ70 camera which is much more versatile as well as being much smaller and lighter.
You can see the lot at, and if you want to restrict your viewing to the current new upload, go to
Project update — A sensible bit of backtracking
23 June 2022
Following on from my previous post here, I've now revised relevant pages on my Clarity of Being site, to cover my necessary backtracking with regard to the notion of a 'great coming-together' process for 'specialist' no-soul people.
Yes, there does appear to be a marked increase in frequency of my having encounters with other 'specialist' no-soul people, and allegedly many other such people would be experiencing a similar increase — at least, if they're spending time in the sort of places where such people would tend to go (such as in wild and inspiring places), and of course have trained themselves to use Helpfulness Testing to enable them to reasonably reliably identify no-soul people and any 'specialist' configuration they may have.
However, apparently, because their obstructive patterns are mostly still operating, attempts to form ongoing relationships of any worthwhile kind, just on the basis of a 'wow' encounter, are generally not going to work. Therefore, the name of the game, to get the best of a non-ideal job, is simply to enjoy the encounters, and not pollute them with understandable but unrealistic hopes or expectations of them leading into anything ongoing.
Please see the Clarity of Being What's New page for a list of the relevant pages that have now been revised (23 June).
Project update — Rather an impasse for the time being…
17 June 2022
This is covered in:
Cumulative update to Project Fix the Human Condition — We're still stuck with a lack of the wanted clinching evidence, at least for the time being. This isn't a message of despair or failure, but simply coming to terms with the present lack of fast action with regard to dissolution of the patterns and soul programming that people are carrying.
Related update (Postscript) to No-soul and 'specialist' no-soul people — their great significance. The supposed 'great coming-together' of 'specialist' no-soul people (particularly the 'sniff-it-out' ones) isn't working out, thanks to people's patterns left-over from the effects of the allegedly fixed misconfigurations within deeper consciousness, some of which are still preventing such people from being motivated to form ongoing friendships with the genuinely most suitable individuals. — A great frustration for me!
Regarding the freelance reporter mentioned in my 20 May post, he never got back to me. That was half-expected, as he seemed to me not to have sufficient depth of awareness to be likely to get his head around the contents of my Clarity of Being site, and it's a fair bet that he had a quick flick around on my sites and decided he didn't want anything more to do with me after what he found!
At least, recently I've been getting still more encounters with 'specialist' no-soul people on my hiking outings, now usually more than one, and on one occasion five, in an outing, including both the hike and the hitch-hikes to and from the route (normally Cornish coast path) — I'd say at least half of those encounters finishing with a real 'wow' hug! I've even got the odd relevant photos now…
Project Fix the Human Condition — Update on progress
20 May 2022, updated 23 May 2022
I'm glad to have lain a bit low since my 14 March post here, with regard to updates on this topic. It appears that deeper consciousness has been trying a whole succession of not-all-that-successful actions in attempts to speed up the dissolution of patterns that people are carrying as left-over effects from the garbage, the astral non-reality, and the faulty data cache, which have all allegedly been fixed. Certain actions did allegedly produce some speed-up, but nothing like what had originally been expected.
Although I'm not yet aware of people generally noticing a general change, at least there are more signs now that something significant is likely to be happening. More people are getting increasingly responsive to me in 'human' ways — And, at least quite a coincidence, yesterday as I was going out on a short afternoon walk down by the River Exe, at the Quay a man called out to me beckoningly, saying he'd often seen me walking along there, and was interested in how much walking I did, because he's a freelance reporter and so looking for interesting stories.
I just managed not to fall over with laughter about what he was innocently letting himself in for, with me and my five websites absolutely bristling with a multitude of significant stories. He's now taking a little time to investigate my sites, and then he reckons he'll be back to me to agree on a 'starter' story with a mini bio. With due smirk, I shall stand back to watch the shit hit the fan!
Although the timing of that could be 'just chance', whatever that's supposed to mean, it's at least a surprising coincidence that he was motivated to make contact with me just when in other ways this appears to be a pivotal spot on my project's timeline, where some of the changes are starting to get noticeable, and also the phase of 'specialist' no-soul people coming together is gathering momentum.
The latter itself implies that the alleged fixes in deeper consciousness have indeed been executed, because the presence of those problems was the whole point of the various 'specialist' no-soul configurations in the first place, and those configurations, especially the 'sniff-it-out' one, had been keeping the respective individuals mostly free from close (attached) relationships in general and particularly from 'relationships' with other 'specialist' no-soulers, in order to avoid their getting side-tracked from their life task laid down in their 'specialist' configurations.
Thus, the facilitation of coming-together of 'specialist' no-soulers was allegedly not initiated until the major fixes had all been applied successfully and so the 'prime purpose' part of those configurations was now redundant. I'm really touched that there appears to be a distinct 'specialist' configuration dedicated to providing powerfully supportive (inspirational) companionship for 'sniff-it-out' no-soulers (including me), for it's us 'sniff-it-outers' who've had the strongest constraints to keep us apart from other people and thus having to endure a deep and intractable sense of isolation, which for most affected people would translate into loneliness.
Allegedly I had the toughest time of the lot in that regard, because my particular 'sniff-if-out' configuration had been cranked up about tenfold this time, with certain aspects further amplified, in order that I had a much better chance of surviving the garbage tribulations, which deeper consciousness could see were going to come to me to try to destroy me, as it had destroyed previous 'sniff-it-outers' through much of universal human-type history. — And that gamble appears to have paid off.
— All the more so, because, would you believe (sic), allegedly my hyper-tweaked configuration, along with all the other 'specialist' ones, was also being used as part of a programme of holding up to review the default basic assumption that, apart from urgently needed special-purpose configurations, the default state of each incarnation should be a 'blank slate'. The tentative conclusion so far in deeper consciousness is that soon, in a small number of incarnational threads, the default state for each incarnation would be more like the current 'sniff-it-out' configuration, minus the tendency to keep apart from other people to an extent that is stressful or otherwise harmful, but to keep enough of that for most people to be motivated to get some healthy solitude and challenge out in 'Mother Nature', so being more vigorous and adventurous.
That would actually increase rather than decrease free choice, because with a 'blank slate' start the incarnations had a strong tendency to make the same fundamental errors over and over, and fall into comfortable unmotivated states, so actually not having much worthwhile freedom of choice that way. With a more alert and sharp-witted 'base level', most incarnations would be more motivated and would have more abundance and variety of experience in their lives.
If that base configuration appeared to be working well, that or a variant of it would then be applied to all the other incarnational threads.
Inspiring encounters — Apparently a real hotting-up trend…
10 May 2022, with updates to 27 May 2022
The body of this post has been moved to a separate page on my Clarity of Being site, because it had become so confoundedly educational, and search engines don't appreciate duplicated content:
Five inspirational encounters of the REAL human kind
>>> Hot Topic
Project Fix the Human Condition — Update on apparent lack of progress
14 March 2022
This is a follow-up of my 1 March post here about the alleged fix for the troublesome sticky cache in deeper consciousness, which apparently is, or at least was, the cause of people's strong tendency to attachment, habits, addictions, personal agendas and entrenched outlooks.
For a second time it's been indicated to me in inner inquiry sessions, first, that people's patterns and attachments were rapidly dissolving, and then, after some days of that categorical insistence in the face of clearly nothing significant happening, then claiming that there's an issue that is now being speedily addressed — something blocking dissolution of all those attachments and patterns.
To be frank, this is really pissing me off, and I'm not prepared to keep reporting new action, only then to have to say that apparently nothing significant has happened. I was always aware that one to a whole succession of further issues could be identified, as blocking any significant dissolution of all those patterns, etc., so I don't mean this is necessarily a false trail I'm being led on — though, as always, I keep that in mind too as a possibility.
And let's be clear that one thing this project is NOT is 'delusional', never mind what any old Tom, Dick or Susan Blackmore (see On the nature of reality and truth — Too simple to believe! :-)) might say about it! A person 'in delusion' actually believes that a fictional scenario is true, against all contradicting evidence. Where's the evidence that I myself am doing that?
It looks as though this could run and run for quite some time, if indeed it's 'for real' at all. Therefore, to be kind on me and minimize my own stress level, I'm not going to keep posting publicly about this, until such time as I myself have clear evidence that something significant really is happening. I'll leave in place the various bits on the Clarity of Being site for any news media people, because things could still get really going tomorrow or even later today — but for the time being it makes best sense for me to be living with a very open-mindedly-held 'null hypothesis' view (i.e., that apparently nothing of significance is happening) and get on with life as best I can, attending to other things.
Meanwhile, my inner inquiry results about our incipient World War 3 are still categorical that Putin is about to be incapacitated / 'taken out', and certain other actions taken through deeper consciousness to steer various parties towards a rapid negotiated arrangement of some sort to put a full stop on the idiotic war. About that, all I can say is, the action threshold of deeper consciousness over this appears to be set horrendously high, if such a plan is 'for real' at all.
The reason for that lateness of action is allegedly because it's so soon after the setting-up of the alleged deeper consciousness planetary peacekeeping function. The way deeper consciousness operates, it needs to have time to work out a dynamically updated developmental trajectory of a situation, and respond on that basis, but in this case, because that role was set up with the war already under way, there hasn't been the opportunity for that projection to be properly built up, and so the 'fruition' of the action is about to happen quite a bit later than anyone would want. — And of course that's assuming that that peacekeeping function scenario isn't just my own wishful thinking being reflected back to me! There really is a hell of a lot of unknowns about all this.
And also, with regard to the latter point, if things do suddenly work out properly for the Ukraine situation at some early point, I'd have no verifiable basis for claiming that any deeds of mine had had any bearing on the outcome. That is, unless Putin and possibly the odd other involved noxious individuals had had rather spectacular and 'mysterious' sudden positive personality changes, resulting from loss of partial walk-in or similar sort of attached malignly programmed second consciousness.
Vladimir Putin — Explaining the true nature of his serious 'mental health' problem (Poor guy — seriously!)
1 March 2022
Many people have speculated about Russian President Vladimir Putin's clearly delusional and 'twisted' charismatic personality, but all with no inkling of what is the true nature or cause of his troublesome state.
And certainly no psychiatric / 'mental health' service would do better than stick some 'fig leaf' 'diagnostic' label on him and give him medical 'treatments' of some kind to try (unsuccessfully) to make him seem a bit more 'normal'. They have no concept even of people's mental states having underlying causes at all — that is, apart from any supposed physical cause they might identify —, so they can never actually help resolve people's issues.
Yesterday and today I had cause to examine many online photos of Putin, and I was struck by his clearly delusional and 'twisted' state, which jumps off the photos at me. But increasingly, as I looked through those photos, I felt a very disturbing 'something' about him, which today I eventually recognised as a SECOND consciousness occupying his body. Yes, the genuine Vladimir Putin is still in that body but would be nothing like the twisted fanatic that we see.
It may be significant that what really struck and disturbed me today rather than yesterday was the sense of almost seeing that I was looking at a 'foreign' ugly parody of a human superimposed on a much more 'normal'-looking person (i.e., the overall effect was like something from a horror movie), whereas yesterday those two aspects had seemed more integrated, and generally I don't actually get the impression of the malign second consciousness as looking at all separate from the suppressed one.
That could mean that I'd become a bit more perceptive today, maybe already because of the just-completed sticky cache fix — see previous post.
At some early stage in his life, Putin had clearly got landed somehow with a partial walk-in, which is the most common driving force of extremist / fanatical leaders, and is also a feature of a fair proportion of prominent 'healers', 'lightworkers', spiritual teachers, religious clerics and so on.
I've had encounters / dealings directly with certain people so afflicted. They all in their different ways had harmful agendas, and were at least to some extent charismatic. One such individual apparently was intimately involved in my at times potentially lethal troubles from 2003 to 2007 (see The 'forces of darkness' ('astral beings') — My own tough experiences).
Other infamous individuals who I see as having been driven by partial walk-ins include Osama bin Laden and Adolf Hitler. I think in the latter case the attachment he had was technically different from a standard partial walk-in, but for our purposes we can include it in that general category.
The phenomenon has always appalled me — not only the harmful behaviours, but the fact that there is a programmed, controlling human consciousness that has been imposed upon the still resident and almost always perfectly benign authentic consciousness that the body really belonged to. It fills me with horror and a sense of outrage at what the true owner of the body must be going through, to be held in complete control by the controlling and always in some way malign interloper.
If the sticky cache fix reported in the previous post here is 'for real', and deeper consciousness really has now created a universal deep-level peacekeeping safety net to protect civilizations from actual or impending extreme threats to harmonious living from the odd deranged individual, I expect that Putin may well be about to lose his disgusting partial walk-in.
If that happens we'd be left with a horrifically traumatized and mentally stunted man, who undoubtedly would be sort-of aware of what he'd been doing, and in mental agony over it — and of course no-one around him would understand at all that the man suffering there wasn't the 'Putin' that had done all the horrendous deeds, just having a 'breakdown', but having been a most unfortunate prisoner having a hellish existence in his own body!
So, while I have no time for the 'Putin' personality who's doing all those disgusting things, I deeply empathize with the grievously unfortunate authentic and presumably innocent Putin consciousness trapped in that hellish two-in-a-body situation, just as much as I empathize with the heroic and inspiring Ukrainian people at this troublesome time.
I should add that during my big troubles with the garbage, there were clear signs that during the really major crisis events the garbage (or, I think, the cacoprotean network itself) had set up various psychic attack scenarios in attempts to install a partial walk-in upon me. It was a chilling experience doing my retrospective detective work and discovering what (various) catastrophic options for me had been set up at times — thankfully thwarted always by a part of my awareness remaining too well grounded even though other aspects of my awareness had got very ungrounded, rendering me crazily gullible to the stories I was being given by my supposed 'guidance' (just the garbage again, of course).
See Partial walk-ins — how the 'forces of darkness' nearly got me.
Update, 2 March
My inner inquiry results now indicate that deeper consciousness has identified a marker cum attachment point apparently common to all partial walk-ins, and now that the sticky cache is (allegedly) fixed, to dissolve that attachment point at a supra-universal level should be a straightforward and relatively rapid task (requiring absolutely minimal 'gestation' time before applying that fix) — and the process is allegedly under way now.
So, if indeed that is correct info, Putin's release from his partial walk-in is presumably imminent, and the whole war could then stop. Inner inquiry just now indicates that this could happen any time from now.
At least that would be a tangible sort of test of the reliability or otherwise of my inner inquiry and indeed to some extent, of the veracity of the whole project scenario that I'd picked up.
Update, 10 March
Got an email from somebody this morning, linking to a very revealing personal account of Putin earlier in his life. I can't vouch for its authenticity / accuracy, so please read it with due circumspection.
That account appears to be very consistent with my own impressions gained from his recent / current behaviours plus the aforementioned online photos of him. Indeed, it could be that he got so ungrounded during his LSD experience recounted in that article, that he picked up his partial walk-in then — though the account of him before that looks to me fairly consistent with his having such an attachment even back then.
Maybe he actually picked up something additional during that LSD experience — or maybe it enabled the extant partial walk-in to gain a stronger hold on him than hitherto while his awareness was so confused and ungrounded. Indeed, the mere fact of his real humanity showing through at times pre-LSD suggests that any partial walk-in at that time didn't have the degree of control over him that would make him properly suit the garbage's agenda.
I note particularly the overall picture of a basically nice and sensitive guy, who's being controlled to live a sort of life that he really didn't want to.
Deep consciousness sticky cache fix is allegedly here — now, already!
Watch out, everyone — the bogeyman's come to get you!
1 March 2022
Major positive changes in human life experience and functioning worldwide are expected to follow pretty quickly, if indeed this is genuine and 'for real'. Rate and extent of change is expected to be highest for the more 'open' and aware people, but would follow through more slowly for most (but probably not all) other people. See:
As always, I give no guarantee that this isn't a false trail and therefore no noticeable changes would occur after all.
Allegedly the fix was completed about 5.0 a.m. UTC, and completion of the cache reset was at about 9.0 a.m.
My inner inquiry now suggests that probably only the most 'open' and aware people (i.e., a very tiny minority) would notice significant changes during about these first two days, with increasing numbers of people noticing changes beyond that. I'm not sure at what point people would get talking about it and twig to some weird global change having taken place, then presumably with the news media getting in on the act.
Here's hoping that this causes the anguishing Russian aggression in Ukraine soon to cease (and the currently diabolical Russian regime to 'humanize' and make good the tremendous harm they've done)!
A snippet of creativity — my first using the 'ex-astral'?
27 February 2022
Last night was a rather difficult one for me, with a growing nervous excitement building from deep within about the sticky cache clearance now looming really close (see pinned note above the posts), and also, I understand, some quite major change occurring in my system, resulting from the recent alleged closure of the astral non-reality.
I did, however, have a fair amount of sleep during about the first 2/3 of the night, though with mostly short breaks. The last of those breaks before total insomnia took over was longer, though, because of a rather faint and blurred image that I saw for a moment upon waking from a vague dream.
Words came to me at once for that image, and I kept going into fits of giggles — so much so that I chose to limit the resultant sleep deprivation by getting up briefly to write the little snippet down, so I could then forget about it and get to sleep. Okay, everyone knows I'm 'mentally disordered' (except of course those who don't), so that bit isn't news. I understand from my inner inquiry that this was a small first taste of a further level of creative playfulness that is now opening out in my system as what was 'the astral' is now just beginning to recover its original, intended function as a deep-level scratchpad for our creativity. So watch out and beware of the Philip!
Here then is my little shaggy-dog deer dream-based snippet…
Have a nice day…
Astral closure, etc. — a very slow drip-feed of evidence…
25 February 2022
This refers again to my Project 'Fix the Human Condition', described in Project Fix the Human Condition.
I wouldn't report again here yet, but for my having remarked in my last post that I'd had no further people reporting apparently significant changes, so it would be helpful for me to indicate now that I am still getting an occasional report.
I've now had a few more reports, all most welcome, though only confirming rather than improving upon the picture painted from the previous reports. In other words, the odd sustained positive changes (e.g., reduction or more or less cessation of apparent garbage attacks; limitation or more or less cessation of really obvious astral images when eyes are closed at night; feeling more secure / self-confident / more positive), correlating reasonably with the alleged astral closure / garbage dissolution chronology.
One of the reports was a verbal one, from an amazing guy who gave me a lift in a return hitch-hike on 21 February and turned out to be not just another no-soul person, but one of a tiny minority of no-soulers who, like me, have special configuration for identifying and enabling deeper consciousness to fix the big problems in 'the human condition'. That's the first time in my life I've apparently encountered another of my exact kind.
I mentioned the completion dates of the alleged garbage dissolution and astral closure after he'd described a few recent positive changes he'd noticed in his life experience, which seemed to be permanent, and the chronology tallied pretty well. But of course if such an exceptionally deeply aware and mentally focused person is getting only a few good but undramatic changes, the implication is that if bigger changes really are occurring, they're going at less than snail pace at the moment, and most people really wouldn't notice any changes that are occurring for them at that pace. Roll on, the alleged sticky cache fix — the world pressingly needs it!
Having had cause to write about the 'sniff-it-out' speciality configuration of my own reincarnational thread and that of the aforementioned guy, and indeed having been quite stirred up by that encounter, and with inevitable anxieties about the new Putin hideousness towards Ukraine, I've found my awareness getting more ungrounded than for some years, and, interestingly, that started getting me into what felt to be a really significant garbage attack.
I zapped obvious related illusory realities, and so it's gradually receding now, but I was thinking this didn't bode well for the veracity of the supposed garbage dissolution. — But then I realized that during this particular attack I was getting no noticeable 'no' flashes, even now while writing about that. So even this attack is actually pointing to something that does appear to be pretty closed-off now for me. Since the alleged astral closure I'd still on fairly rare occasions had the odd faint 'no' flashes, but none obviously to notice now that my awareness is actually less grounded!
My tentative conclusion is that the attack would have been simply a recording stored in a pattern left over from when the garbage was still operative — and just maybe the pattern that had been giving the continuing 'no' flashes is now more or less dissolved.
Further reports of apparently significant sustained changes continue to be very welcome.
Garbage dissolution and astral closure — Why are we waiting?
18 February 2022
I've no doubt at all that a fair number of people, having read on my Clarity of Being site about the alleged completion of dissolution of the garbage and closure of the astral non-reality (see previous post), are wondering where all the amazing worldwide changes in people's life experience, outlooks and behaviours are happening following those two events, or indeed whether anything at all has happened / is happening, and no doubt at least some are rather despairing of me, assuming that I must have been on a false trail (of course a 'delusional' one, some would hastily conclude!).
So, let's let you into a little secret. You're in great company, because just for the moment this is a rather difficult time for me (i.e., somewhat frustrating and a little bit stressful) because of the rather conflicting considerations about this issue.
Since my previous post here (7 February) I've had no further people reporting to me any apparently significant positive changes, though at least the woman whose report I mentioned in some detail in that post has emailed again to say she continues to be free of significant garbage attacks — and that despite her being sick, which latter is something that she remarks has generally been a situation where she gets more attack, not less or none. So, she's getting quite impressed.
On the face of it, it was getting rather baffling for me as to why there's so little sign of the expected widespread positive changes. However, this isn't a time for hasty conclusions, because I got such strong signs that something of the sort indicated by my repeated inner inquiry must indeed have happened.
For a start, is it true that no (further) change is really occurring, or is it that such change is actually occurring but at an unexpectedly slow pace, so that few people (those inevitably being among the ranks of the most 'open' and aware) are aware of any significant change yet?
My inner inquiry indications have consistently been for the latter — and that makes sense (whereas the other option doesn't), taking into account the few but really significant changes I myself have experienced, plus those two reports I've already mentioned.
I was reluctantly starting to conclude that the problem must be that the more ingrained patterns and distortions that the garbage and other adverse astral-sourced effects had left people with had probably got set into their brain function to such a degree that it would be a very slow process for those to clear — if indeed they could do so at all for people who aren't pretty young.
But then, as I report in Project 'Fix the Human Condition', I revisited another issue, which still awaited a proper explanation / understanding in a manner that would point to an actual solution — the phenomenon that I'd called the 'sticky layer'. Whereas that phenomenon had previously seemed disturbingly elusive in my attempts to understand it, this time I made a breakthrough, as described on that page.
It turned out that what I'd been calling the 'sticky layer' is really a subconscious working cache area (as in a memory cache in a computer or smartphone) for holding particular relevant intents / aspirations while working on a project of any type — the problem being that it's faulty and not deleting items after a few days of non-use. It thus has got choked up with particular intents, hopes and desires early in each of our lives, and the stronger 'stuck' items then function as the basis and driving force for various harmful fixations and entrenched attitudes and agendas, including an overall strong tendency for attachment (to anything), habits and addictions, and all the war-like agendas and behaviours we see in the world.
So, provided I've got that right, it's great news, because at last it reveals that faulty cache as being almost certainly the real 'biggie' — the kingpin of all major human dysfunction — arguably a more basic / fundamental anomaly than the astral and the contained garbage.
…And — you've guessed it of course! — my little bit of inner inquiry that led to that powerful lightbulb moment for me has also allegedly set in motion a process in deeper consciousness to rectify that fault, so for the first time since the beginning of time (so to speak) it would be able to function properly. Allegedly it's a relatively simple and straightforward thing to correct, and I picked up a rough time-scale of a couple of months from now.
As explained on the aforementioned page about this, when completion of the fix has come about, as with a computer, a 'reboot' would be required for the changes to take effect. That is, in this case, nothing big and scary but simply a reset of that cache, clearing it of all contents and remnants of faulty configuration, after which it should at last be working properly.
At that point, it's expected that people would generally experience disconcertingly rapid change, ranging from relatively abrupt for the most open and aware people, to probably a pretty slow process for the most heavily soul-programmed people (i.e., those most shut down and 'narrow-minded' because of their big load of patterns and illusory realities). I say that, however, with the proviso that it's only a rough prediction because there isn't a precedent for such an event.
So, it looks distinctly possible that the apparent lack of obvious change following garbage dissolution and astral closure would be made up for with a potentially dramatic widespread 'catching up' (or do I mean 'caching up'?) change, possibly about mid-April. I expect I'll get strong intimation from within when that's getting imminent, and in that event I'll post an update about that here.
In the meantime, please do report to me any really significant change in your own life experience that appears to correlate with the alleged garbage dissolution and astral closure. — Many thanks!
Closure of 'the astral' — interim update following alleged completion on 30 January
7 February 2022
This is my first report of corroborations relating to the alleged completion of dissolution of the garbage and closure of the astral non-reality, described in Project Fix the Human Condition.
So far I've had just two corroborative reports of individual experiences — which on the face of it could seem pretty discouraging but actually those are very encouraging high-quality ones.
In contrast, when I'd got embroiled in my quite bumpy 2015 astral closure venture (when my methodology wasn't sufficiently advanced for it to work all that efficiently), I got a scattering of reports from people in response to my astral closure page, but none of those really suggested to me anything out of the ordinary. They were mostly from people who were using my methods, and undoubtedly were reporting good and positive changes in their lives, yes, but there was nothing in their reports that could be pinned down to being a result of astral closure. All I saw there was the very positive results of using my methodology.
At that time one person drew my attention to a new forum thread in which there was a flurry of excitement about supposed signs that the astral was being, or about to be closed down — but when I looked there I saw a group of hellishly ungrounded individuals who were looking for exciting things to believe in order to feel that there might be something worth living for, and I was pretty sure that the garbage was exploiting their emotional weakness — quite possibly taking a cue from my project —, and giving them some story to get them excited and then of course disappointed and depressed when their little story evaporates.
This time, even these first two individuals' reports, both unsolicited, correlate too uncannily with my own experience and the timing of alleged completion of the garbage dissolution and the astral closure, to be other than genuine reports of the same phenomena that I myself had experienced.
Both, in their different ways, experienced a dramatic reduction in troublesome garbage interferences around the day of alleged completion of the garbage dissolution and beyond, with an underlying sense of peace and (at least greater) stability becoming evident.
One of them was particularly interesting, in that:
She not only gave a timing for her really significant fall-off of her regular very troublesome nocturnal garbage attacks / interferences, but also remarked that she had the impression of a very gradual decrease over a period prior to that — which makes perfect sense and correlates with my own experience.
She currently has a stressful home situation, and so was particularly surprised at the sudden and sustained sense of (at least relative) peace and security. One would expect the garbage to exploit her stressful situation by increasing her troubles.
These changes occurred for her before she read my updates about the alleged imminent and then actual dissolution and closure events, so for practical purposes, suggestion as cause of her improvements and their timing can reasonably be discounted.
Another factor that increases significance of her report in my eyes is that she has an ingrained rather paranoid pattern of dwelling on all the untoward things going on around her and in the world at large, and using them all to keep herself horribly stressed — so she wasn't at all a person I'd have expected to notice and report a major positive change so soon after 'my' little events. I'd have expected her really troublesome patterns to take a fair amount of time to dissolve really noticeably.
Related to that, she was also remarking on various positive changes she was starting to notice in the world, and wondering if they might also be a result of the changes that I've reported on. Although none of us could know to what extent 'my' two changes had influenced those particular positive changes, what strikes me is that she appears at last to be starting to see some healthy drinking water in that glass that she'd persistently been seeing as half-empty (and therefore supposedly offering nothing to drink!). Although I can't be sure about it, it does look at least possible that her self-tormenting and somewhat paranoid pattern is beginning to weaken — and that could well be another result of 'the changes'.
And finally this time round, not a report from anyone, but a curiously teasing observation of mine. On Sunday 6 February I went to a particularly excellent restaurant for my evening meal. The very agreeable server seemed still more 'forward' than previously in his manner and 'vibes' (which could have just been my own changed perception), and I had a friendly chat with the receptionist woman there, who I'd not encountered before — noting the slight whitish radiance about her that informed me that she had an issue with weak grounding, and so was likely to be open to the astral if it still existed. I didn't mention about my 'hot news' at all in our little friendly exchanges, nor ask if they'd noticed any changes.
Consciously I'd not noticed anything that I could regard as significant to my astral closure project — but what happened that night while I was in bed threw that encounter into a possible new light. Once I'd had a little sleep, I started getting yet more 'overactive mind' and feeling of some excitement, so of course denying me still more sleep, and I used my inner inquiry procedure to find out what this new disturbance was about.
What I picked up was that, apparently, the server and receptionist at the restaurant were actually noticing intriguing positive changes — no, not in themselves, but in each other! At that time neither had yet got to the point of saying anything to anyone about it. So, some weeks away, when I next go there I expect if one or both those two are there I'll try telling him or her that once I was in bed after my last meal there I had this funny dream, which seemed very meaningful, in which they were… (you get the picture, of course), and see what response that draws…
Of course, that could be a deception I'd picked up from either the garbage or a pattern left over from it, but I do keep double-checking on that story, and every time I get a clear 'strengthening' response to my assuming that to be the actual situation. Generally any story from the garbage would soon change or get countered by my further inner inquiry that had managed to avoid garbage interference.
…And a final reminder. At this stage such evidence as I mention in this post, although being a fair degree of encouragement to me personally, is way too insufficient for me to publicly draw any conclusions as to whether or not the dissolution and the closure has actually happened.
So, please, let's have no-one yet go telling the world that this idiot is 'claiming' that he's wiped out the garbage and closed 'the astral'. — On the other hand, do by all means widely share links to Project Fix the Human Condition or / and to relevant posts here on this Blog, and look out for signs of widespread positive changes that may be a result of the alleged dissolution and closure events, so they can be reported back to me.
Thank you.
Earlier posts
Those are on Page 1 of this Blog.