My 'lights-out' time approaches…
Cause for a more upbeat life experience!
At a glance…
The Author's own living example here shows how mistaken is the almost universal view of death as something to be held off as long as possible, regardless of the degraded life experience and indeed suffering that is caused by so doing. For each person there would be an optimal time in their life to die, and it would rarely, if ever, be as late as when the body can no longer support life.
The Author's primary life task and purpose this time round has apparently been successfully completed, and all sorts of related issues remain for him, which render this life deeply unsatisfactory for him in specific ways. Those issues remaining now cannot be fixed except through reincarnation. — And indeed, with a positive and inspirational life task for his next incarnation, it makes best sense for him not to hang around significantly longer here, no matter what the vast majority believes, and no matter that while he's still here he does his best to make the most of it and inspire others in the course of that.
My deathly blog
This page has appeared belatedly, owing to my misjudgement in putting the body text that appears below, up to and including Update 2, in my regular Blog. The problem about doing that was that I wanted the primary post and updates to be 'sticky' and remain at top of the Blog, but really that was quite unworkable as it would make new posts difficult to find. So now I've woken up sufficiently to transfer the contents of those three posts to here, leaving the posts there as just 'stubs', each with a link and brief explanation of the move, and not intended to be 'sticky'. Now I can post to share other things there without all the stuff about my forthcoming 'lights-out' getting in the way.
My 'lights-out' time coming very close, apparently…
17 May 2023
Recently I've been getting increasingly strong and consistent indications from my deepest aspects that there's now no point in my continuing in my present incarnation significantly further, and that my disappearance from this mightily dysfunctional scene here on Earth is now fairly imminent. I would thus not be waiting at all till my body can't support me, but, if all goes according to the intent, I would die in my sleep sometime soon, without knowing in advance exactly when that would be. See How to die peacefully and with dignity.
Here are some major factors pointing to the great sense in my not hanging around significantly longer, and getting on with reincarnating — so-called 'death' just being the doorway to the all-important new beginning.
Loss of the big sense of purpose in my life. There would have been some point in my remaining somewhat longer if the apparently successful fixes for the main underlying causes of human dysfunction and irrationality* had been able to cause rapid positive change in most people, for I could possibly have played a part in educating people to make the most of their positive changes.
However, ingrained patterns of brain (dys)function have proved too resistant to change for the hugely vast majority of people. It appears that they couldn't be clear of those patterns till they reincarnate.
Clarity of Being site virtually 'finished'! There would have been some point in my remaining longer if the Clarity of Being site were still serving much purpose. The sordid truth is that its traffic, in terms of numbers of genuine human visitors per day, has been on decline for years, and after having apparently bottomed out at something in the 40s and 50s for a year or so, is now in the 20s and clearly on an ongoing nosedive into even fuller oblivion. A count of 20 might sound not too bad, but in reality most of those visitors wouldn't be worthwhile ones, in that they land on the site full of their own beliefs / opinions and move on without benefiting at all. Almost certainly there are already a fair number of days without a single worthwhile visitor.
So, for practical purposes, Clarity of Being appears to be well-nigh finished, despite all my best efforts. Humanity here on Earth wants what it wants — not so much what it needs —, and shuns weirdos like this one who offer what could actually turn their lives around for the better and make the world a genuinely better place to be!
I don't mean to sound completely doom-and-gloom about the effective demise of Clarity of Being as an influential site, however. It's quite possible that a major factor in the traffic decline from spring 2022 onwards has been a progressive decline in number of people feeling desperate enough to be doing search engine queries relating to what Clarity of Being covers.
In other words, many people with the worst troubles may quite possibly have been experiencing a gradual decline in severity of those troubles, thanks to Project Fix the Human Condition. Ultimately, it's the long-term universal results of the Project that matter, rather than popularity of a relatively transient website that would bite the dust pretty soon anyway, along with the whole of Humanity on Earth, thanks to their supreme irrationality and unawareness of their true nature. My development of the site has served its most important purpose as a staging post for my later stumbling into the Project.
The domain is paid for up to 7 October 2026, and the site hosting is paid for up to 3 February 2026, but I most likely wouldn't be here by then to renew those. In the meantime, once I've gone the site would develop problems owing to lack of the maintenance and security monitoring that it gets from me currently.
My own health. Last week I had a small non-invasive cancerous bladder tumour removed, and I also have a suspected kidney cell carcinoma on my left kidney (biopsy to be taken tomorrow). This is all pointing to increasingly rapid reduction of physical ability to make anything much further of this life, and I have no intention at all to remain to be dependent on being cared for by others (who would almost all be of lesser awareness too, so fundamentally incompatible with me). I've no intention to get into the state of living just in order to survive — a pretty nonsensical situation for humans to allow themselves to be in!
Also my eyesight is progressively deteriorating, primarily through developing cataract in both eyes. Because I have a 'lazy' eye and therefore only one 'good' eye, it doesn't make sense to have the cataracts 'done' until things have got really difficult for me (in case anything goes wrong when the 'good' eye is 'done'), and effectively my life would then already not be worthwhile because I'd have to be cared for and couldn't get on with anything much that's really meaningful to me.
- My life situation. As I explain on the Clarity of Being site,
when I came into this life I was effectively 'hard-wired' to have
particular aptitudes and motivation to direct and enable me to work out
what were the underlying causes of human dysfunction and irrationality,
and to communicate that conceptual information in a usable form to deeper consciousness
in order for it to be able then to go about fixing those issues.
Unfortunately for me, that's meant that I'm stuck with a distorted life
experience that includes an inability to connect in an ongoing fashion
even with those people who are strongly compatible with me, and they are
likewise unable to make such ongoing connections with me — at least, in
any genuinely healthy way.
Any such relationships / companionships could have sidetracked me from my primary life task, but now I understand those restrictions to have become redundant, for I'd completed that life task, but am still stuck with personal isolation at a deep level, plus no longer having the sense of a fulfillable major life task to fill that gap.
Although I do my best to make light work of all that, and really do still (indeed, even more so nowadays) pass on uplift and inspiration to others around me, there is still that deeper lack gnawing at me all the time — particularly when stress comes my way, for I'm always having to handle it on my own. Anyone who tries to be 'supportive' misses the point, for the real support for me is nothing more than a reasonable amount of companionship with other not-too-screwed-up no-soul people, which I'm generally not getting.
A particularly topical example of the unhelpfulness of trying to be 'supportive' to me is the Cancer Support workers who got in touch with me as soon as I'd had the bladder and kidney tumours recognised. Undoubtedly lovely people with great intentions, BUT the implicit message from the whole modus operandi of their 'supportive talk' (including their tone of voice) was
We're sorry to hear that you're not okay now, but we're okay and so we're here to help
.— Ouch! No, every contact I've had from them so far has left me feeling more isolated, disempowered and depressed, because they hadn't a dog's chance in the 666th level of hell of understanding what really makes me (or indeed other humans) tick and what would truly benefit me at this time — that is, some compatible no-soul companionship at times, and, most importantly, reincarnation! With the latter I could at last be free of that hyper-tweaked fundamental 'specialist' configuration that has served a sterling purpose for both me and humanity on a universal level — but is also a subtly hellish blight upon this lifetime of mine. I could then experience fully compatible companionship at last while still being a strong and independent-minded positive force in my further incarnations, and enjoying solitude in wild places too!
The bogey of support worker involvement becomes a progressively more troublesome prospect for me as my ability to go out in the wilds for hiking adventures becomes increasingly impacted. Without my having a sensible exit route, those people would be progressively creating for me an insidious hell for my final years. On the other hand, imminent reincarnation makes great sense, and the thought of that is the real core thing that keeps me buoyant now.
One thing I have found inspiring about all this is that my focus on imminent reincarnation and openness about that in everyday conversations is bringing me a good proportion of strongly-felt 'inspired' responses. People have such a dreadful conception of death because they think of life descending through all sorts of deteriorations and increasing suffering towards something that is unspeakably horrible and to be avoided as long as possible — whereas this weirdo is effectively saying death is simply the doorway to a new and better beginning, and that if it isn't, he's a hippopotamus!
Update 1 — hospital shenanigans again, with upbeat conclusion
20 May 2023
Okay, there's now a little change of scenery, so to speak, following my hospital visit on 18 May, which dragged over into the next day, so, first, let's take a quick look at that visit — well, it would be quick, except that I go into some detail about my post-procedure ordeal so that you get an idea of the hell that a hospital visit can readily be for me, which is relevant to how I came to change my perspective a bit for the remainder of my future here on this beleaguered planet.
I had an early appointment at the main hospital here in Exeter on 18 May for a 'CT-scan guided' biopsy to be taken from a growth in my left kidney. Although it was supposed to be just a day-case business, that depended on one having somebody to accompany one from hospital to back home and to look after one for some 24 hours after discharge from the hospital. As you'd surely understand from my previous post here, I had no such person available — at least who wouldn't run some sort of unacceptable and harmful agenda on me if I gave them any opportunity to do so. Therefore the hospital decreed that I'd have to stay in overnight so the nursing staff could monitor my state.
There was some point in that, as described so far, because the taking of a biopsy of a highly vascular organ (i.e., with very rich and strong blood supply) such as the kidney, leaving a tiny deep hole in it, would put one at risk of a major and indeed catastrophic bleed into the body cavity. For this reason, a 6-hour period of bed-rest following the procedure was mandatory (no visit to a toilet even!), and even after that it would be crucially important to limit activity to non-strenuous things, and have lots of further rest to enable the blood clot in the little hole in the organ to get incorporated into the healing process so it wouldn't pop out when you exerted yourself, and cause a major bleed.
My big problem with each overnight hospital stay has been my shy bladder syndrome ('paruresis' in medical jargon), a blight on my life about which I had much to say in How I became a hospital bed blocker. That would add a really troublesome element to each hospital visit that required me to stay on overnight after a procedure, for I would have great difficulty peeing, and typically at some point would end up having to be catheterized.
On this occasion the particular appointment was offered me on the phone just a couple of days before the event — the date of that being just 8 days after my having a TURBT (trans-urethral resection of bladder tumour) procedure at the same hospital.
This did seem disconcertingly soon after that previous procedure, which had nicely 'traumatized' (i.e., injured) my urethra lining, which was still healing after that and making peeing a rather difficult and fraught process. Taken aback by this enthusiasm to rush me through because I was now identified as a cancer case, I naively accepted that appointment, hoping they knew what they were doing. — The trouble was that in important respects they didn't, because they were being driven by a bureaucracy, rather than properly aware and rational humans.
Actually, after that TURBT procedure, although once more I was required to pee into not just one bottle but fully into three of them, and hand them in for measurement of the volume, I'd found that with some mental focusing in a different way from previously, I became able to pee — albeit with some difficulty — into the bottles, standing beside my bed with the surrounding curtain closed, so I wasn't all that concerned about this new hospital visit, assuming I'd simply be able to do the same again.
Well, actually this time I did manage that while in the ward awaiting my turn to be taken to the respective department, so all would be well, surely.
However, as I was being taken the fair distance along hospital corridors, I was noticing that my involuntary anticipatory nervousness was causing my bladder already to be getting a bit uncomfortable, and this was no time now to stop anywhere to have another pee.
The procedure itself (actually ultrasound-scan guided, contrary to the prior info about the procedure that I'd been given), went amazingly smoothly and utterly free from discomfort, let alone actual pain, apart from the slight sting of the first local anaesthetic injection — and I wasn't under sedation either. The doctor performing that procedure was chuffed because, he said, it was quite rare to obtain such a full sample first time, and this time the sample was so substantial that he didn't need to take a second and even third sample as he normally would. Indeed, he thanked me for keeping exceptionally still for him — which I guess had helped him get such a good sample.
I was then instructed to roll onto my left side (where the puncture had been made — i.e., it was on left side of middle back), and to keep lying that way for half-an-hour. It was stressed that it was crucially important to do so in order to avoid a catastrophic internal bleed, and then I'd be instructed to roll onto my back, and would have to remain like that for the next 5½ hours — again crucially important in order to avoid major bleed.
The trouble was, my bladder was gradually getting fuller and fuller, and I still had a fair amount of urethra over-sensitivity from the previous surgery, so would be feeling urgency well before the bladder was full to a level that would normally give a sense of urgency. — A 'perfect storm' scenario for a hellish situation to develop!
The pain and urgency feeling progressively grew, and eventually I started pestering nurses, saying I'd absolutely got to pee. One nurse handed me a pee bottle to use while lying on my back there, but, no, without the stimulus of sitting on a toilet seat or my standing, the pee simply wouldn't come, no matter how strong the torture was getting.
In desperation I started saying I'd got to be catheterized, and the nurse would say she'd ask 'the nurse', who latter would sometimes turn up then and explain to me, as though I didn't well know already, that it was crucially important that I waited for the full period before getting up for anything at all. "Please try to understand, and wait till then", I was told again and again. This was hellish, for I well knew that catheterization at the moment would do my urethra more injury in its current shaky state, but it had clearly got to be done.
I got still more urgent in my pestering, and this time the ward doctor came. In a quiet patronizing tone, he explained to me at least three times the reason why I had to remain there like that till the allotted time, as though I hadn't understood that in the beginning, or he thought I was just malingering! — But absolutely unbelievably (No, please don't believe anything at all! ), that perverse doctor felt my clearly distended bladder area with his fingertips, and you know what he said?
— Why, of course, Your bladder is empty!
(said he while
looking me straight in the eyes)! — WTF??! No, it effing-well was
anything but empty! He went on completely redundantly to repeat yet
again the clearly massively rehearsed explanation for my having to lie
there on my back for that long period, but then when I persisted about
the catheter he said that if necessary he could do that, BUT only at the
end of my bed-rest period. Oh geez, this man was either sadistic or
plain moronic — or of course, a relatively well-programmed AI bot!
I won't fill in the various details of the increasingly agonized final two hours of that bed-rest ordeal, but that effing doctor never came to do that catheter. I was, however, then, at the end of the bed-rest period, allowed to get up very gently and stand with a pee bottle and the curtains closed. Of course, as I'd rather expected at that desperate stage, I'd gone into retention and couldn't release more than an initial small dribble, so now in trepidation I pressed the 'Nurse' button again, and once again the nurse who came said she'd have a word with 'the nurse' and went off.
That time, presently a different nurse came, who was not only more senior but also had about her the air of the mental clarity of a no-soul person (actually she was 'almost there' in that respect). She clearly understood straight off, and after a few minutes came back with the catheter and 'did' it. Also, she'd had the presence of mind to override a detail in what I'd been asking for (she explained that she'd done that, and why), for I'd been asking for a one-time catheter, so it would be removed once that lot was drained, and I'd then be free to pee properly.
By fitting a standard catheter, with night bag, she'd actually made the most sensible choice, so I really salute her! That meant that I didn't have to concern myself about peeing till I'd had the catheter removed first thing in the morning, and so could spend the night de-stressing — and of course wouldn't run the risk of further urethra injury from yet another catheterization being necessary.
Come morning, of course I learnt that I could notionally go after breakfast — except of course I had to drink lots of water and do three 'full' pees, into separate bottles, before I'd be allowed to go home. I explained to the nurse that I couldn't do pees of the required size at present because of my re-injured and very sore urethra, which meant that I felt the need to pee too readily. Would it be okay in this case if I simply top up each bottle with a few smaller pees? She thought that should be fine in the circumstances, so I spent the morning doing just that — the process taking a long time because on my visit just over a week before I'd been warned not to go drinking a lot of water at once, and to space it out in small doses (which made big sense to me).
Then, when another nurse came in to see how I was getting on, and I explained that that bottle contained four small pees and this one contained two and was awaiting the next, she said, oh no, I'd got to try to do each pee into a separate bottle so they could measure it (for what, I wonder?)!
— And she took those away and came back with four more bottles for me to pee into! — Oh help! Have these nurses not got any human common sense at all??! — I suppose, more AI bots!
Anyway, after a while I managed to do a small pee into one, but it was getting increasingly difficult again, and very painful to pee anyway, with my poor re-injured urethra.
That horrible nurse came again to see how I was getting on. Just one
paltry offering. She took it away with an air of disapproval, and I was
reluctant to drink more water because I had the feeling that surely soon
now somebody was going to come to their senses and call a day on this
heartlessly robotic nonsense, and I really didn't want to be like the little piggy who went couldn't go 'Wee-wee-wee' all the way home!
After a little delay, back came that nurse, not with yet another bottle to pee into, thank the Lord Mickey Mouse, but my discharge letter! At last I could quickly get my things together very gently, and carefully get myself home. — But not before a somewhat less difficult pee in the toilet of the Hospital's highly commendable Oasis Restaurant, followed in the restaurant itself by a ravenously devoured most delicious chicken curry I'd ever had, whose rice looked white but seemed nonetheless to be wholegrain (excellent!).
— But why in the name of Winnie-the-Pooh should anyone at all be put through all that hospital stress and indeed hell just to satisfy a requirement that is rules-based and not genuine human intelligence-based? The whole scenario was hideously Monty-Kafkaesque — or do I mean 'Franz-Pythonesque'? — Not sure about that one — but whatever, it's surely all just too remote from worthwhile living (i.e., apart from the Oasis Restaurant experience)!
Dear, beloved friends, can you now begin to see the sort of future that would lie ahead for me if I continued with that whole scenario, in which I'd just started to become an increasingly limited and incapable patient undergoing a whole succession of medical procedures, follow-up appointments and all that, at the mercy of a Kafkaesque bureaucracy of AI bot-nurses / doctors (though of course some lovely, deeply human ones as well!), instead of going out hiking in wild places and doing other things that could still make reasonable sense of this nearly finished life of mine?
No, not for me! Back at home, thinking about the unspeakable awfulness of what I'd been slipping into, it made so much better sense to take full command of my ship. Sure, one change I could make is to continue with hospital appointments but to stipulate uncompromisingly to what extent I would do any particular thing to satisfy the hospital authorities that I was ready for discharge. — But even if that worked okay, I'd still be falling into a sort of feedback loop of being a perpetual patient and therefore leaving behind the really worthwhile and meaningful major part of my life.
So therefore I've chosen to discontinue hospital involvement, except possibly for the odd more or less one-off out-patient session that doesn't involve me with hospital bureaucracy in the way that in-patient sessions clearly do, and don't significantly impact the worthwhile aspects of my life. — And I mean that, cancer or no cancer.
I'll go instead for more hiking and other things that have made sense of my life, as far as I can still manage — and bugger the cancers!
Update 2 — Still more upbeat — 'guardians / overseers for Humanity'
10 June 2023
My 'scenery' continues to present some changes, while not materially changing the scenario of my soon leaving this current incarnation (as a truly positive event).
The day I wrote the last update, little did I know that my developing 'under-the-weather' feeling at that time was the beginning of my first bout of flu since 1997 — I'd guess precipitated by a dip in my immunity caused by the physical and mental stress of the two hospitalizations, and not necessarily contracted there. At least, just a few days later I was fast bouncing back, and over the weeks the urethra discomfort from the hospitalizations was slightly less day by day so that now the discomfort when peeing is almost negligible.
I did, however, get an intimation from my own deepest aspects that my likely 'lights-out' time had come forward to about a week away. — But then something caused that to recede a bit to 'likely about a month away'…
As well as my previous post in this Blog, I sent out a special edition of my Website Visitors' Newsletter, explaining about my expected soon-to-come moving-on, which would of course mean no more Newsletters once that's happened, and demise of my websites not all that far ahead. As a result of that I received a small number of very appreciative emails from certain of the Newsletter recipients, some with inspiring reports of their own personal progress using my insights and methods.
One of those people, a youngish man in the Czech Republic who'd been in touch with me at times previously but had had big problems with weak grounding causing him some alarmingly big delusional 'wobbles', had now clearly really been making a much more focused drive towards getting properly grounded and consistent in his motivation, and was at last 'speaking my language' to an extent that was rare indeed. It became clear that he was one of the 'specialist'-configured no-soul people who already had a prior connection with me and were intended to come together with me to work together (with a small number of others), at least in our respective next incarnations — i.e., not significantly on Earth, which is effectively a sinking ship, which we all really need to leave.
There were things about his own sense of responsibility for all Humanity that prompted me to look more clearly at my own sense of just that, and to acknowledge that this was another of the 'specialist' configurations, which I'd previously not clearly recognised. I've dubbed it 'guardian / overseer for Humanity'. I also recognised another person with that configuration and with strong prior connection with me*, who I understand to be probably dead now because he was wrecked by the cacoprotean network, but his next incarnation is apparently expected and 'meant' to join 'my' team in my next lifetime.
* I give an account of my encounters with him — the guy I call 'X' in Psychiatry: my personal experience — gaining fundamental insights — the section entitled Beware of the schizo! — Understanding a 'schizophrenic'. I have to admit, the thought of his joining up with me, free from the horrendous issues he had in this lifetime, is greatly moving. Despite all those issues he had, I sensed about him an immensely powerful love for Humanity and deep pain that his issues were preventing him from coming together with me with that common purpose of making things genuinely better for Humanity.
I'm in touch with two other individuals who are apparently prospective members of 'my' small team of 'guardian / overseer' people in our next incarnations:
A lovely and charismatic character who is manager of one of the restaurants I frequent here in Exeter, though rather messed-up currently with smoking and, I'm pretty sure, a fair amount of cannabis use, and so with little obvious motivation for personal positive change this time round. He's the only restaurant manager so far with whom I'm on hugging terms!
A guy in Utah, USA, who's been in some trouble with the Law this time round, but has progressively got himself out of a despairing, suicidal state and is showing a real and ever more inspirational aspect nowadays.
Those recognitions, and my at last having a proper connection with a 'specialist' no-souler with shared awareness of our underlying life task laid down in our respective incarnational threads, caused for me an apparent disappearance of the nagging sense of profound isolation that had so far blighted this lifetime of mine, at last with a sense of common purpose and my no longer being left on my own with all this — even though in practical terms a full and physical coming-together wouldn't be happening till our next incarnations. Some Skype calls will have to do in the meantime to reinforce our connection, concordance and intent to work together in future incarnations for the good of Humanity.
Our group task would be really a consolidation and stabilization of what I've started in this lifetime — monitoring the well-being of Humanity and reporting any issues we observe to deeper consciousness in a conceptual form that it can use to enable it to address those issues — and also to be disseminating, and training people and organisations in, some form of what in this lifetime I'm calling Helpfulness Testing (and inner inquiry using that), and my various methods given on this site for addressing one's own personal issues and turning-around any sort of troubled life, or simply further improving an already great and vibrant one.
So, I now have a decidedly nebulous intimation that my 'lights-out' night would be something like a month ahead, but the actual event could be a little sooner or somewhat later, according to developments. Also, because of the probabilistic nature of the way deeper consciousness operates, it's theoretically possible that that 'decent' death might not happen at all and I die in some miserable way that all too many people do. — But that's more a theoretical possibility rather than a practical likelihood (a bit like a meteorite falling out of the sky and splatting one into a nice little crater in the ground!). I point myself towards what makes best sense, thank you very much!
At least, the biopsy of the growth on / in my left kidney showed the growth to be an oncocytoma, which sounds super-scary but is actually non-cancerous (a 'renal cell carcinoma mimic', as they put it, because it's pretty-well indistinguishable from the cancer in CT or ultrasound scans), and in my case is reckoned by the consultant urologist who reported back to me, not to need any further attention.
Apart from one day's brief blood-in-urine episode (which caused me to get referred for investigation of my 'waterworks' in the first place), I haven't been aware of any symptoms directly attributable to it — though its presence may have had a certain general weakening effect on my system and thus could possibly have been a factor in what I'd taken to be a post-viral (chronic fatigue) syndrome (since beginning of 2018).
In the meantime I've now bounced back into strenuous hiking, though still with the frustration of being limited to about 8 (–plus up to a few) miles (often plus a few unscheduled additional miles for road walking during outward and return hitch-hikes). I may be able to extend that a little over time, but probably not much, especially as apparently I have so little time left here anyway to build up further.
No doubt further updates to follow — though with the caveat that dead bodies are always remarkably inconsiderate in failing to notify anyone about the death, except through an eventual disgusting pong, and of course eventual maggots / flies (Whoo-hoo!)…
Update 3 — Probably some months' extension…
9 August 2023
Having got together the very beginnings of the first 'guardians / overseers' team (three potential members so far), and with the alleged breakthrough in clearance of the block to dissolution of people's ingrained patterns expected to start showing up widely, and with the team now alpha-testing the alleged new and much more effective communication channel between 'ordinary mind' and one's deepest aspects, it makes best sense for my 'exit' to be deferred for some months (at least), though I'd still 'go' sooner if any particular health issue rendered me unable any longer to live a worthwhile life. I didn't come here to be a burden on others just for the sake of living just to continue to survive (what a waste of time and other people's life experience!).
Update 4 — Likely further extension into early in 2024…
17 August 2023
One of the three potential team members serendipitously succeeded in triggering an immediate response from deeper consciousness, to set in motion a process to create on a universal scale a new and much-enhanced communication channel between deeper consciousness and each person's 'ordinary mind'. That is allegedly not just 'in process', but is already going through a whole series of alpha-test versions (just as we get with computer software).
— And who are the lucky alpha-testers? … Why, of course we merry team / potential team members)! I was sole tester for the alpha-1 version, for it was reckoned that I'd cope better with any adverse side-effects and would most readily enable them to be fixed pronto. Then it was me plus the other three — except that for the most part they've so far not been able to send back (to deeper consciousness) significant relevant data yet, because they've all had internal or/and circumstantial factors hindering their motivation for using Helpfulness Testing, at least to a sufficiently 'connected' level. So, so far I've still been sole tester nearly all of the time. We're onto alpha-5 version so far.
Clearly that constraint on the availability of properly functional testers means that the testing period will have to be longer than originally estimated. At some point fairly soon the new channel would enter the notional beta-testing stage, which would be rolled out to a thin scattering of the no-soul members throughout the human population of this planet — but it's unclear as to how much additional useful data would come back, because for the testing actually to work, the testers need to be proficient in Helpfulness Testing, and using it in an ongoing fashion in their everyday lives. It's thus quite possible that I'd remain as the only tester, so it would be greatly helpful for me to hang on here on Earth for a while longer, even just for that purpose.
For this reason, it's now assumed that my 'exit-point' would be sometime early next year. Ideally I'd still be here to be testing the first 'general release' version for a little before I merrily kick the bucket.
19 September update — Another thing to justify my not going quite yet is my having stumbled my way into discovering a whole realm of a notionally new type of music composition through giving some simple but dramatically effective processing to a few of the half-speed versions of some of my Wind Chimes in the Wild recordings. It would make sense for me to create the whole set of these 'Nature-Symphonies', as I'm calling them, and have them all on Freesound and my music compositions YouTube channel, before I peg out.
Update 5 — Likely further extension into early in 2025…
My Nature-Symphonies project has indeed been a real and unprecedented 'magnum opus', and is still continuing at the moment; I'm currently working on Nature-Symphony 63 (Chaos – Anti-Chaos — The Inner Fire looking with wonder at what it's creating) — a very major factor in deferring my termination.
Another factor for deferment has also kicked in. About a couple of months ago I got intimations from my deepest aspects that, to the latter's complete surprise, my lifelong isolation barrier, which had prevented any sort of healthy ongoing friendship / companionship connections forming, whether initiated by me or anyone else, had spontaneously started fairly rapidly dissolving — which was the primary cause of further sleep-disruptive side-effects as that dissolution progressed.
It was about that time that my first sense of a healthy ongoing friendship started developing. Not really a significant companionship thing, because the guy is up to his eyeballs in his work, but I do see him weekly as he's the new owner of a restaurant I regularly go to. There's a fair bit behind my connection with him, which I won't go into here.
But then on 30 June 2024, when I visited another of my regular restaurants for lunch, my hugs with two of the server guys there were an absolutely crazy-huge powerful experience, and I was quite reeling from that. As well as the tremendous sensory experience, I got a strong sense that those hugs had for the first time invited the respective guys into my life as close friends. — WTF had happened to cause that??!
It turned out that early that morning the dissolution of my isolation barrier had finally completed. However, the enormity of those experiences was not fully genuine or healthy, because that change in my system had inevitably ungrounded my awareness, so part of what I was experiencing was a sort of fantasy-elaborated distorting filter over those experiences. I didn't realize at that time that I'd got some ungrounding to contend with, and so inevitably that led into a quite scary and disruptive feedback-loop based on a an unhelpful 'what if' scenario, and it took a day and a half to get to the point of working out what could be really going on and then using the Grounding Point procedure to zap a few relevant illusory realities, after which I rapidly got back on my feet again.
Thankfully, it does appear that a real and loving friendship connection had opened up with both those guys, but as yet with no sign of companionship outside those periodic restaurant encounters.
Anyway, the nitty-gritty about all that is that deeper consciousness is treating all this as a data-gathering exercise, as this is the first time it's been able to observe what happens when a 'sniff-it-out'- configured no-soul person loses that isolation barrier. That means the intent now is for me not to leave this incarnation before the turn of the year, and keeping it very open about how much further to extend that. At any point various adverse factors could still cause a bringing-forward of my termination-point.
With regard to the supposed 'team' of us no-soulers, no, that was just a desert mirage. The individuals concerned had a fair amount of further work to do, which they were not motivated to do, before they could be part of the sort of team I was envisaging, and indeed some of their issues involved very unhelpful outlooks towards me that needed clearing before we could work together. — So I'm still alone on that score.