Personal Website of Philip Goddard —

Visitors' Book (submit entry)

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Thank you for visiting one or more of my sites.

Your entry on the form below will be emailed to me and
I'll then manually incorporate it in my current Visitors' Book page.

Caution! Do not enter here anything you don't want to appear in public!
— and please in any case don't use this form for personal messages that you want answered.
To send me a private message, please visit my Contact page.

Please fill in the blanks in the form below (plain text, no HTML tags)

A few points to note:

About your email address given below…
To ensure that the email addresses that visitors supply here don't get onto spammers' lists, I don't display them or pass them on to anyone. I still ask for your true and valid email address, however, as a sign of your bona fide.

Anonymous, cryptic, 'silly', argumentative or abusive entries will be discarded. That of course includes all 'troll' posts. Please don't waste your time here if that's your scene!
Please note that this Visitors' Book isn't a forum and is NOT intended for the expressing of held opinions (of any sort), nor for asking me questions.

Entries whose prime intent is advertising will be discarded, and generally, any links that are significantly inappropriate for this site will be edited out or the whole entry discarded. Similarly, entries with invalid or silly 'required' details will be discarded.

Do NOT use any auto-fill function for this form! If you do, you will be recognised as a 'bot' and you would be instantly, automatically, banned from all of my sites!

Please use only plain text throughout,
with no HTML tags and no website addresses.
Caution: Any submission containing HTML tags or web addresses will automatically be identified as spam and is liable to be deleted on the server without my seeing it.

Your real name (anything recognised as a pseudonym will render this submission liable to rejection):

(This field is only for spambots to fill in.
WARNING: If you fill it in you will be automatically banned from all my sites.)

Location (at least the nearest town / city):


email address:

(This latter will not be displayed, nor passed to anyone else.)

The above are required details; the rest are optional.

Check this if you have, or will put, a link to one or more of my websites on a website of your own.

Check this to receive a very occasional newsletter
detailing main updates to my sites.

Please indicate which are your main areas of interest on my sites:

All (more or less)

Or check as many of the following as are appropriate:
Literary work
Self-Actualization / Healing
Alexander Technique

Photos / Sound recordings
Personal details

Or, if those don't quite fit, please indicate below:

How did you come to know of my sites?

(in a very few words, e.g., Search engine query, Recommendation from a friend, Newsgroup posting, or (named) social media post or 'share' — but just Internet or Surfing isn't very informative; neither are general personal motivations such as curiosity or a thirst for knowledge.)

I have visited this site before

Please feel free to add a comment:

Please keep it reasonably brief,
and be aware that I'm likely to discard any submission
that's being used to tell me how wrong or bad I and my site are,
or is asking for my views on something — especially other people's writings.
This is a visitors' book and NOT a discussion forum.

Thank you for your co-operation.

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If your browser has JavaScript disabled, the countdown won't operate,
but if necessary I will truncate to that length any entries exceeding the limit.
(Maximum characters: 1,200)
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Thank you for your time and patience!

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